Lot 571
Health System in the Lodz Ghetto – Photo-Album, 1942
Gesundheits Abteilung Mai 1940 – 3 Marz 1942, Litzmannstadt-Getto [Health Department, May 1940 to March 3 1942, Lodz Ghetto].
51 Black and white photographs, some of them a photo montage,[possibly by the photographers Henrik Ross, head of the statistics department of the Lodz Ghetto Judenrat and Mendel Grossman, the Jewish photographers of the ghetto] Mounted on album leaves. Documenting the activity of the Jewish health system in the Lodz ghetto. It seems that the album was prepared for the Judenrat , for presentation to the Germans as proof of the normal life led in the ghetto, and as a means of persuasion against the deportation of Jews from the ghetto. The photographs in this album are original photographs of a larger album in "Yad Vashem". The album is dated unlike the large album in "Yad Vashem". (see attached material).
The photographs show an ex-ray department, advanced medical tools, milk distribution, the electro-therapeutic institute, activity of Jewish pharmacies (in one photograph is seen Haim Rumkowsky, chairman of the Judenrat in the Lodz Ghetto), tables of statistical data, emergency medicine, maintaining sanitary conditions, and more. Photographs 18X13 cm. Good condition. Album 24X16.5 cm in original cloth binding, in a new cardboard box. For more details and articles about the album, see attached material. Attached: Four volumes of the "chronika shel Geto Lodz" / translated and commented by Aryeh Ben Menachem, Yosef Rab. (Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 1986-1989).