Lot 483
Youth Movements and Zionist Organizations – France, Brazil, Holland and Argentina
Six non-traditional Haggadot, published by youth movements and Zionist organizations:
1. Passover Haggadah. Training Department of the "Dror" Youth Movement, France, 1961. French and Hebrew. Printed in 475 copies.
2. Passover Haggadah. Culture Department of JNF, Rio Granda du Sol, Brazil, [1961]. Zionist "Game Boards" in the middle – "HaAretz HaMuvtachat" and a maze. Hebrew and Portuguese. Printed on leaves in different colors.
4. Passover Haggadah. "HaShomer HaTza'ir", Holland, 1962. Dutch and Hebrew in Latin letters and several titles in Hebrew.
5. Passover Haggadah. "Ichud HaBonim", Brazil,[1960s]. Portuguese and Hebrew.
6. Passover Haggadah. Culture Department, "HaNo'ar HaTzioni" movement, Buenos Aires [1960s]. Spanish, Hebrew and Hebrew in Latin letters.
Varying sizes and conditions.