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Lot 451

Avigdor Ha-Meiri – The Great Folly – Dedication to the Schatz Family

The Great Folly, Avigdor Ha-Meiri. Mizpeh publication, Jerusalem Tel-Aviv, 1929.
Dedication in Ha-Meiri’s handwriting on p.7: “To my dear and good friends: Olga and Baruch Schatz, and to faithful friends: Betzalel and Zohara – with a loving heart: Avigdor. Tel-Aviv, 5.02.29”.
The book brings up Ha-Meiri’s WWI experiences as a minor officer for the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He talks in the first person about his experiences as a young intellectual Jew who writes and takes part in the intellectual bohemian circles of Budapest and gets drafted to fight the War. 296 pp. 19.5 cm. Good condition. Slightly damaged, loose binding.