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Hilchot Rav Alfas Ve-Tosefta – Signatures and Glosses by Rabbi Yitzchak Shwadron son of the Maharasham

Hilchot Rav Alfas, with Piskei Ha-Mordechai and Tosefta [five volumes]. Lvov, 1861-1863.
Hundreds of glosses on the Tosefta, handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Shwadron, Av Beit Din of Chatzmer [several glosses also appear on the Rif leaves]. Signed and ink-stamped by Rabbi Yitzchak Ha-Cohen Shwadron, and signed by his son Rabbi Shalom Mordechai Shwadron.
Rabbi Yitzchak Shwadron (passed away in 1920, Otzar Ha-Rabbanim 11051), was the son of the Gaon Maharasham of Berzan, outstanding Torah genius, Av Beit Din of Chatzmer and Galilee. Moved to Israel in 1903 and settled down in Jerusalem. In 1910, he began to publish his great essay on the Tosefta, which includes two interpretations: the “Minchat Yitzchak” and the “Shirei Mincha”. By the time of his passing, he had published his essay on the entire Zera’im tractate and on Shabbat tractate (Jerusalem 1910-1914). His youngest son - the famous “Maggid of Jerusalem” Rabbi Shalom Shwadron – continued many years after his father’s passing to publish essays on the tractates of Mo’ed, Nashim and Nezikin, which were left in manuscript form by his father. However, the Kodashim and Taharot essays were never printed since Rabbi Yitzchak Shwadron passed away in the middle of his work on the Seder Kodashim.
The glosses which appear in the present book were written by Rabbi Yitzchak Shwadron in the margins of the copy he studied with, and they apparently served as a basis to his great essay. Some of the glosses were copied literally in his essay.
As mentioned earlier, his essay on Kodashim and Taharot remained unpublished and the present book includes his glosses on those tractates as well.
Varying sizes and page numeration. Good-fair condition. Stains and wrinkles, detached leaves, mold marks, glued paper restorations. New bindings.