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Lot 417

Etz Chaim (Korets) – Glosses – Stamps of Rabbi "HaSadeh"

Etz Chaim, by Rabbi Chaim Vital. Korets, 1782. First printed edition.
Many stamps of Rabbi "Chaim Shaul Dweck HaCohen" and the Kabbalistic yeshiva "Rechovot HaNahar".
Many glosses, some in Ashkenazi handwriting (Russia-Poland) from the time of the printing press, and most in Oriental handwriting (Aram-Tzova). On binding leaf handwritten novella signed "Nissim Lopez". A dedication is written on the same leaf to the Maharam Sithon Yeshiva by Rabbi Avraham Shabtai that the book belonged to his grandfather the Mekubal Rabbi Avraham Shabtai. Inscription of the "last redeemer – dedicated to the Beit HaKnesset HaMechavnim" [possibly, some of the glosses are handwritten by Rabbeinu HaSadeh].
3-152 leaves (missing copy, originally: [1], 152 leaves). 30 cm. Poor condition, most of the first leaves are worn in the margins, with omissions. Stains and minor moth damage. Partial torn leather binding.