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Lot 409

Rambam Mada Ahava Zemanim – Hundreds of Long Glosses – Rabbi Baruch Yitzchak Lifshitz

Mishne Torah LaRambam, Part 1, Mada Ahava Zemanim. Amsterdam, 1702. Two title-pages, first one illustrated. Several leaves with astronomic illustrations of the laws of Kiddush HaChodesh, Portuguese introduction.
Ancient owners' signatures on title page: "Shlomo of Waltetz who lives in Koblenz", "Chaim son of S----".
Hundreds of long glosses in Ashkenazi handwriting [from the beginning of the 19th century], written by one or two people. On Leaf 124 and on Leaf 182, there are glosses signed by writer: "Baruch Yitzchak Lifshitz", who signed other glosses with BYL of BY. The many glosses together form a whole book, primarily on Sefer HaMada (Hilchot Yesodei HaTorah, Hilchot Teshuva and Hilchot Avodat Kochavim) and Sefer Zemanim (Hilchot Shabbat and Hilchot Chametz U'Matzah).
Rabbi Baruch Yitzchak Lifshitz (1812-1878), son of Rabbi Yisrael Lifshitz, author of Tiferet Yisrael on the Mishna. Author of Misgeret Zahav – appendixes that were printed with his father's commentary on the Mishna. Also his glosses inside the Tiferet Yisrael commentary start with the initials ABY (Amar [said] Baruch Yitzchak). Already in his youth, his great father gave him semicha and he was accepted in a rabbinic position [his appointment was canceled by Rabbi Akiva Eiger who fought the phenomenon of appointing young unmarried men to rabbinic positions. See Igrot Rabbi Akiva Eiger, Letters 42-49]. He served in the rabbinate of Landsberg and as Chief Rabbi of The State of Mecklenburg. In 1859, he moved to Hamburg where his sermons and shiurim became famous and he taught many disciples (the most renowned disciple is Rabbi Aharon Marcus "The Chassid of Hamburg", author of the book "HaChassidut"). He sat all day with tallit and tefillin under his outer cloak and was renowned as a holy G-d fearing man. He had contact in regard to responsa with the leading rabbis of Poland and Lithuania. (See attached material).
[11], 327, [4] leaves. 36 cm. Good-fair condition, few stains and wear. Notes at leaf tops are slightly cut off. New binding.