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Lot 340

Photograph Album of the Fifth Great Assembly – Jerusalem, 1964

Album containing many photographs of the international Fifth Great Assembly of Agudat Israel. Jerusalem, summer 1964.
The photographs depict the Admorim and rabbis; members of the Council of Torah Sages from Eretz Israel and abroad.
The portraits of the following rabbis appear: the Admorim of Vizhnitz, Gur, Ozerov, Boyan and others. Rabbi Zalman Sorotzkin, Rabbi Eliyahu Lopian, Rabbi Yechezkel Sarna, Rabbi Yechezkel Abramski, Rabbi Binyamin Mendelson of Komemiyut, Rabbi Refael Baruch Toledano, Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach and Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv. Rabbi Eliezer Silver, Rabbi Ya’akov Ruderman, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein [on his only visit to Israel], as well as dozens of other great Torah personalities and public figures.
160 sketched photographs [for the purpose of ordering photographs] in various sizes and conditions (average size 9X5 cm). Some of the photographs have erasures or notations in pen listing the photograph number. Placed within an album whose binding is ornamented with crafted metal with symbols of “Israel She’erit HaPleita Organization, Bergen Belsen”.