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Lot 330

Two Proclamations on Affair of "The Purim Trial" of Rabbi Kook

Two historic proclamations following the Purim "play" (1932), when it became public that in a Purim play for children in the Beit Knesset of "Batei Broide" in Jerusalem performed by the Chinuch LaNa'ar organization [Tzi'erei Agudat Yisrael – Torah and Yir'ah], the honor of the Chief Rabbi Yitzchak HaCohen Kook was defiled, in a play about a trial and execution of the rabbi.
1. A Proclamation by the rabbis of Tel Aviv-Yaffo, Rabbi Shlomo HaCohen Aharonson and Rabbi Benzion Chai Uziel. The 2nd of Nissan 1932. Eretz Yisrael printing [Jerusalem]. "…an abomination has been done in Yisrael and in Jerusalem by youngsters educated in Talmudei Torah…".
2. A Clarification of Matters, of the position of the Badatz of the Va'ad HaAshkenazi and Agudat Yisrael about the "Murder Trial". A letter by Rabbi Simcha Bunim Werner to Rabbi Kook, dated the first of Nissan 1932, about this affair. Eretz Yisrael [Jerusalem] printing.
2 proclamations, 35 cm. Very good condition.