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Lot 326

Kin'at Tzion / Mecholat HaMachanayim – Books Opposed to the Reform Movement

1-2. Kin'at Tzion, a composition of protest against the meeting of the reform movement in Braunschweig with letters of protest by the rabbis of Eretz Yisrael. Rabbi Yisrael Moshe Chazan. Amsterdam, 1846.
Bound with: "A letter to our brothers Beit Yisrael" [Torat Hakna'ut], 37 letters by rabbis from Germany, Holland, Poland and Hungary against the meeting of the reform movement in Braunschweig. [Amsterdam, 1845].
The first reform meeting took place in the month of Tamuz 1844 in Braunschweig, Germany, where it was announced that "corrections" to Jewish law and the siddur would be made. In response, the heads of the Amsterdam officers for the Holy Land, Rabbi Lehran and Rabbi Frintz, fought back by writing letters to all the great rabbis of the generation. They then publicized the responses they received in the book Torat Hakna'ot which they printed in two editions, one on its own with a title page and additional leaves and the other as an appendix to Kin'at Tzion, as in the copy before us.
[1], 17 leaves; 2-33 leaves. 25 cm. Good condition. Torn and detached binding.
3. Responsa Mecholat Hamachanayim. To reinforce Jewish customs and customs of synagogues. (Includes matters of astronomy, with illustrations). Rabbi Yisrael David Margaliot Yaffe (Rabbi David Sered). Pressburg, 1859. Stamps of Rabbi Shimon Menachem Mendel Varnik of KutNo. Two long (cut off) handwritten glosses.
[1], 80 leaves, [3 leaves missing?]. 19 cm. Fair-poor condition, moth damage and wear.