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Lot 259

Booklets Printed in Vilna and Piotrkow

1. Pe'ulat Tzaddik LaChaim, Davar B'Ito, letters, articles and commentaries, by Rabbi Yehoshua Heshel HaLevi Levine, collected and published (with comments) by his brother, Rabbi Shmuel ben Eliyahu Ze'ev HaLevi Levine. Vilna, 1878.
2. Toldot Eliyahu, history of Rabbi Eliyahu Ragaler, Rabbi of Kalisz and surroundings, by Rabbi Aryeh Leib Frumkin. Vilna, 1900.
3. Nechapesa Darkeinu, "Words coming from the heart of those who worry and fear for our holy Torah", by "Torah Protectors and Learners". Piotrkow, 1908. Polemic words against Enlightenment literature and the Zionist Movement.
4. Etz Chaim, a collection of articles and letters about Torah support, with article Machzikei HaTorah by Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaCohen. Vilna, 1926. (Stamps of Vilna Librarian Khaykl Lunski).
Varied size and condition. The four booklets are in original title-covers.