Lot 533
Three Books about the History of Russian and Polish Jews
Korot Podoliya veKadmoniot HaYehudim Sham, or the history of Jews in Russia, by Menachem Nachum Litinsky. Odessa, 1895. Part I, no more published. * LeKorot HaYehudim BeRussia, Poland and Lithuania, in the 16th and 17th centuries, by Ben-Zion Katz. Berlin, 1899. * Luchot Zikaron, history of the Krakow rabbis, from mid 3rd century to present days, by Chaim Doverish Friedberg, Frankfurt am Main, 1904. Comments and handwritten additions on margins of pages.
Size varies, good condition. From the private collection of Dr. Israel Mehlman.