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Lot 457

Collection of Satirical and Humorous Papers

Volume of humorous papers for Purim and other holidays, 1929-1964.
"Elu Ve'Elu Bezifzuf Mezafaefim. Tel Aviv, 1931. * Atz Kotzez. Jerusalem, 1933. * Atz Kotzez – BeYad Hazakah. Jerusalem, 1932. Dalfon-Yeda, special supplement to "HaBoker", 1954. * Atz Kotzez – Hazit HaBisquit. Jerusalem, 1933. Dedicated to a strike in Frumin Bisquits factory. * MeHodu VeAd Kush. Tel-Aviv, 1929, 1932, 1933 * Atz Kotzez – Mupim VeChupim * Atz Kotzez – Nisim VeNifla'ot. Jerusalem, 1933. * Na'ase VeNishma. Tel-Aviv, 1931. * Atz Kotzez – Al HaEtzim. Jerusalem, 1932. Adloyada. Tel-Aviv, 1932. * Atz Kotzez – Zabar LePo'aley Eretz Israel. Jerusalem, 1932. * Zabar, weekly, non-political, paper for Humor and Satire. Tel-Aviv, 1957. * Zipor HaNefesh, weekly paper for satire, humor and so on. Tel-Aviv, 1964. Edited by Dan Ben Amotz, Chaim Hefer, Boaz Evron, Amos Keinan. Total of 17 papers. Volume 62 cm. Condition varies. From the private collection of Dr. Israel Mehlman.