Torat HaChatat, laws of issur and heter, as practiced in Poland and Ashkenaz, by R. Moshe Isserles, the Rama. Kraków: Yitzchak Prostitz, 1577. Second edition with supplements by the author.
An early edition of the classic halachic work written by the Rama. The first edition was printed in the author's lifetime in Kraków in 1570. This edition was printed a few years after the Rama's death in 1572 and contains supplements and notations added by the Rama to the first edition copy he possessed, as written on the title page: "Improving on the first ones, printed from the book proofread by R. Moshe Isserles in his handwriting before his passing".
84; 19, [1] leaves. 20 cm. Varying condition; most leaves in good condition, title page and first leaves in fair condition. Stains. Marginal tears to several leaves, and large open tears to title page, heavily affecting title frame, repaired with paper filling (with photocopy replacement of title frame). Inscriptions. New binding.