Sefer Teshuvot, responsa of R. Menachem Azariah – the Rama of Fano. Venice: Daniel Zanetti, [ca. 1600]. First edition, printed in the lifetime of the author.
The book comprises halachic responsa by the Rama of Fano, with various Talmudic novellae. The book was published in the lifetime of the Rama. The title page only contains the initials of his name (Mem Ayin for Menachem Azariah; later editions were printed under the name She'elot UTeshuvot instead of Sefer Teshuvot, which is how the work came to be referred to in halachic literature). The publisher of the book was R. Yitzchak son of R. Mordechai of Poland, a disciple of R. Menachem Azariah. At the beginning of the book is an introduction by the printer, in which R. Yitzchak describes how he arrived in Italy and became aware of the Rama's greatness: "I heard a holy one speaking… the kabbalist R. Menachem Azariah… I thirstily drank the water of his wellsprings for days and months, and his wisdom supported me…".
Date of printing estimated based on the introduction's mention of a plan to print Pelach Rimon. The Rama's Pelach Rimon was printed in Venice, 1600.
Ownership inscriptions on p. 2a: "Belongs to R. Refael and R. Yehudah Matzliach Karmi".
Ownership inscriptions on back endpaper: "By the illustrious… R. Yosef Vigevano of the Gallichi family".
Handwritten corrections in several places.
On verso of last page, signature of censor Francesco Maria Renato for Delfino Borelli(?).
Copy of R. Avraham Merzbacher, with his signature on front endpaper. R. Avraham Merzbacher (1812-1885), rabbi, banker and bibliophile who lived in Munich. Owner of a large book collection (a list of books and manuscripts in his collection is given in Ohel Avraham, Munich, 1888).
143 leaves. 18.5 cm. Most leaves in good condition. Stains, including dampstains. Tears to title page, including open tear (not affecting text), repaired with paper, and small marginal tears to several other leaves. Endpaper detached. Old binding.
CB, no. 6342,30; Zedner, p. 530; Roest, p. 794; Cowley, p. 424.