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Sefer Yere'im – Venice, 1566 – First Edition – Parchment Binding – Signatures of 16th/17th-Century Italian Rabbis

Sefer Yere'im, on the laws of the 613 commandments, by R. Eliezer of Metz. Venice: Giorgio di Cavalli, 1566. First edition.
This edition was edited and adapted by R. Binyamin son of R. Avraham Anav, and divided into twelve chapters, while the original work comprised seven chapters. All subsequent editions followed this edition until Sefer Yere'im HaShalem (Vilna, 1892-1902, printed from manuscript).
Signatures and ownership inscriptions on title page: "I purchased it at full price with the money G-d granted me, Yechiel Mieli" – R. Yechiel Mieli, a Mantuan rabbi, author of Tapuchei Zahav – an abridgment of Reshit Chochmah (Mantua, 1623); "Granted to me by G-d, Yehudah Yaaleh son of R. Shlomo of Cologne" (mentioned in Gei Chizayon by R. Avraham son of Chananiah Yagel of Monselice, 93); "R. Yitzchak Levi".
Signature on verso of title page: "Purchased by me for the service of G-d, Ezra Alchadib" – R. Ezra son of Shlomo Alchadib, a Venetian rabbi, disciple of R. Aharon ibn Chaim author of Lev Aharon and disciple of R. Yehudah Aryeh of Modena, an associate of R. Azariah Figo author of Gidulei Terumah. R. Ezra was the scribe of the general assembly in Venice, and is a signatory of many documents in the Venetian pinkas between 1630-1633 (see at length: M. Benayahu, HaYechasim SheBein Yehudei Yavan LiYehudei Italia, pp. 237-240).
Handwritten corrections in main text, and marginal glosses to several leaves.
On last leaf, signature of censor Domenico Carretto, dated 1628.
On last leaf, next to the colophon are mounted small pieces of paper with printed Holy Names.

6, 5-146 leaves. 20.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Tear across width of title page, slightly affecting text, without loss, repaired with paper on verso. Light worming, slightly affecting text. Early parchment binding. Damage to binding.

CB, no. 5003,1.