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Lot 38

Sefer Charedim – First Edition – Venice, 1601 / Likutei Shoshanim – Venice, 1602 – First Editions – Signatures and Glosses

Two books printed in Venice in 1601-1602, bound together:

• Sefer Charedim, on the 613 mitzvot and on topics pertaining to mitzvot and repentance, by the kabbalist R. Elazar Azikri of Safed. Venice: Daniel Zanetti, 1601. First edition.
The author of Sefer Charedim, R. Elazar Azikri, was a leading rabbi and preacher in Safed in the period of the Beit Yosef and the Arizal, and author of the famous piyyut Yedid Nefesh. Studied Torah under R. Yosef Sagis and was ordained by Rabbi Yaakov Beirav. His Sefer Charedim has been published in dozens of editions [some omitting passages extant in the present first edition], and it is one of the basic ethical books, much treasured by Tzaddikim and Chassidic masters.
Ownership inscription with signature by "Yitzchak Abulafia") we were unable to identify his place in the Abulafia family). Additional inscriptions on title page of the "Beit Midrash of the Magen" [apparently Beit Yaakov run by R. Moshe Galante (the Magen)]; dedicatory inscription mentioning "Shemaiah Angel" (Shemaiah Angel, banker and important member of the Damascus community).
Ownership inscription in center of title page: "Purchased by me for the service of my Maker, Gershom Carmona[?]". Many marginal glosses in Sephardic script, some lengthy (most apparently in the same handwriting as the above signature).

Bound with:

• Likutei Shoshanim, selected comments on the Book of Yehoshua and Neviim Acharonim. Venice: Daniel Zanetti, [1602]. First edition.

Published by R. David ibn Hin of Thessaloniki. Includes commentary on Yehoshua by R. Yaakov Beirav; on Yeshayahu, Yirmiyahu, Yechezkel and Hoshea, evidently by R. Meir Arama; on Yonah, Chavakuk and Zechariah by R. Ovadiah Sforno; and on Malachi by the proofreader of the book, R. Yitzchak Gershon (who also added to the commentary on Yeshayah). Also includes commentary on Trei Asar (Hoshea, Ovadiah, Yonah and Michah) by R. Shmuel Almosnino.
Ownership inscriptions and signatures on title page and leaf 2.

Two books in one volume. Sefer Charedim: 76 leaves. Missing last 6 leaves (77-81, [1]). Likutei Shoshanim: 20 leaves. 19.5 cm. Fair condition. Many stains, including dark stains and damp stains (particularly to second book). Wear. Tears and worming to margins of several leaves, partially repaired with paper. Loose and detached leaves and gatherings. Early leather binding, damaged and detached, without spine.

PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.