Tikun Sofrim, year-round Torah portions and Haftarot. Amsterdam: for Samuel Rodrigues Mendes, Moses Sarfati and David Gomes da Silva, 1726.
Title pages illustrated with copper engravings by Bernard Picart. Divisional title page for Haftarot. Includes table of Torah readings for the festivals, and tables in Spanish (folding leaves), with divisional title page in Hebrew and Spanish.
After the Haftarot section are bound leaves which usually appear at the beginning of the volume: poems in praise of the edition, cantillation, a chart for the festival readings, corrections by the proofreader, and more. Two leaves missing, with approbation and chart of double Torah portions.
Stamps of "Saadat Bachurim" society (Amsterdam).
[3], 3-327, [2], 329-446, [10] leaves; 9-16 pages; [3] folding leaves with charts, [2] leaves. [6] leaves originally bound at the beginning of the book are bound after the Haftarot section. Missing [2] leaves at the beginning of the book. 17 cm. High-quality paper. Good condition. Stains. Small tears and creases to a few leaves. Old binding, with leather spine. Light wear and light damage to binding.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.