Letter of Rebbe Shlomo Halberstam of Bobov. Brooklyn, third of the Ten Days of Repentance [Tishrei], 1957.
Letter in scribal handwriting, with an added line of blessing for complete health, handwritten and signed by the Rebbe: "Blessing him with continually perfect health, Shlomo Halberstam".
Sent to R. Yechiel Reinhold. The Rebbe blesses him for his "heartfelt wishes that I received at the new year, along with a pidyon nefesh…". The Rebbe blesses him to merit holiness and purity on Yom Kippur and gives him a Shanah Tovah blessing: "I now bless him for the upcoming holy fast day. May he be blessed with the holiness of the day and with purity of heart before God, may God finalize for him and all his own to be sealed for good in the book of the righteous, to have a year of life and peace full of satisfaction and delight, and to merit the year of the complete redemption and salvation…".
Rebbe Shlomo Halberstam (the second) of Bobov (1907-2000), the Divrei Shlomo, prominent rebbe in recent times. Son of Rebbe Bentzion Halberstam, the Kedushat Tzion (son of the first Rebbe of Bobov, Rebbe Shlomo Halberstam, grandson of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz). In 1931, his father moved from Bobov to Trzebinia, and appointed him as rabbi in his place in Bobov. Rebbe Shlomo assisted his father in directing the dozens of branches of the large network of yeshivas "Etz Chaim – Bobov" in Galicia. After the Holocaust, he reached the United States where he re-established the Bobov Chassidut. He led his followers for over fifty years, founding communities, yeshivas and Torah institutions in the United States and worldwide (Israel, Belgium and England). Bobov Chassidut is one of the largest Chassidic communities in the world today, numbering tens of thousands of families. His books include Kerem Shlomo, Noam Shlomo, Divrei Shlomo and Chochmat Shlomo.
[1] leaf, official stationery. 26.5 cm. Good condition. Folds. The Rebbe's original envelope is enclosed.