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Lot 219

Collection of Emissary Letters and Various Documents By Sephardic Rabbis of Jerusalem – Jerusalem, 1880s-1930s

Assorted collection of letters, emissary letters and letters to philanthropists, and letters on various matters and documents, from Sephardic rabbis and Torah scholars from Jerusalem. Jerusalem, ca. 1880s-1930s:

• Emissary letter from the Beit El kabbalistic yeshiva for the emissary R. Moshe Ben-Shushan, signed by the yeshiva deans – R. Shalom Hedaya, R. Naftali Baruch, R. Yeshuah Ben-Shushan and R. Avraham Azriel. [Jerusalem, ca. 1930s].
• Letter to R. Refael Tzarfati and the philanthropist Yachya Amoyal, requesting assistance for the Beit El kabbalistic yeshiva, signed by the yeshiva deans – R. Shalom Hedaya, R. Naftali Baruch, R. Shmuel Azran, R. Yeshuah Ben-Shushan and R. Avraham Azriel. [Jerusalem, ca. 1930s].
• Letter to the philanthropist Moshe Sikirra, a request for assistance for the poor of Jerusalem before the Passover festival, signed by the Rishon LeTzion R. Eliyahu Moshe Panigel, R. Mordechai Yisrael, R. Chaim David Sornaga and R. Shmuel Nisim. Jerusalem, Adar 1929.
• Three letters from the Sephardic Beit Din. Letter on divorce matters sent to R. Uziel, signed by dayanim R. Shmuel Nisim, R. Shlomo Hedaya and R. Chaim Eliyah HaLevi. Jerusalem, Tamuz 1912; certificate declaring Avraham son of Chaim Chason unmarried, signed by dayanim R. Chaim Eliyah HaLevi, R. Shmuel Moshe Mizrachi and R. Shalom Hedaya. Jerusalem, Elul 1912; certificate declaring Bat Sheva daughter of R. Yitzchak HaLevi unmarried, signed by dayanim R. Shmuel Nisim, R. Shalom Hedaya and R. Avraham Bijajo. Jerusalem, Iyar 1914.
• Letter signed and stamped by R. Moshe Franko, "Chacham Bashi in Jerusalem", to R. Bentzion Uziel. Jerusalem, Av 1914.
• Letter from the Maghrebi community council, sent to R. Refael Chaim Moshe Ben-Naim (Rachaman) in Gibraltar, signed and stamped by rabbis of Jerusalem and Maghrebi community officials – R. Nachman Betito, Rabbi of the Maghrebi community; R. Eliyahu Yaakov Ajimi; R. Shimon Ashriki; R. Shmuel Alaluf; and R. Yaakov Ben-Atar. Jerusalem, Tishrei 1912.
• Letter of the Maghrebi Beit Din in Jerusalem, sent to R. Bentzion Uziel, Rabbi of Tel Aviv, signed by the dayanim R. Shmuel Azran, R. Yosef Shlush and R. Shalom Azulai. Jerusalem, Tamuz 1931.
• Printed emissary letter (in gilt ink) for the emissary of the Maghrebi community R. Shlomo Kohen Zaguri, with (printed) signatures of R. Avraham Abikhzir, R. Yosef Shlush, R. Shalom Azulai, R. Amram Aburbeh and community officials. Rohld press, Jerusalem. Filled in by hand, mentioning "Sefrou" and the philanthropist "Amram Attiya", with stamp of R. Shlomo HaKohen Sikli, Sivan 1936.
• Letter containing an appeal from the General Orphanage, signed by R. Avraham Pilosof, R. Yosef HaLevi, R. Chanania Gavriel and R. Avraham Azriel. Jerusalem, Elul 1914.
• Letter signed by R. Nisim Danon, head of the Chief Rabbinate in Jerusalem, regarding the Blumenthal orphanage. Jerusalem, Shevat 1919.
• Handwritten inscription (in Ashkenazic script) of money accounts, signed by R. Yaakov Shaul Elyashar. Jerusalem, Tishrei 1887.

13 items, including 12 items with the rabbis' signatures. Varying size and condition. Overall good condition.