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Collection of Books by R. Eleazar Kallir, Babbi of Kolín: Or Chadash – Frankfurt an der Oder, 1776 / Chavot Yair Chadash – Prague, 1792 / Cheker Halachah – Vienna, 1838 – First Editions

Three books authored by R. Elazar Kallir, Rabbi of Kolín, a prominent rabbi in the generation of the Noda BiYehudah. First editions, printed in 1776, 1792 and 1838:

• Or Chadash, Part II, novellae on Tractate Pesachim by R. Elazar Kallir. Frankfurt an der Oder, [1776]. First edition of this part. Ownership inscription on title page handwritten and signed by R. Chaim David Kalifi [a leading rabbi of Tripoli, d. 1886].

• Chavot Yair Chadash, sermons on aggadah and ethics, by R. Elazar Kallir. Prague, [1792]. First edition printed in the lifetime of the author. Signatures on title page (both sides): "Michael [--?] Aszód" and an additional deleted signature.

• Responsa Cheker Halachah, Part I, by R. Elazar Kallir. Vienna, 1838. First edition. No additional parts were printed. Missing leaves 70-84 containing comments of son and son-in-law of author, and other additions. Nazi stamp on title page: "Inst. d. NSDAP z. Erforschung d. Judenfrage Abt. Ostjudentum Litzmannstadt" (Institute for the Study of the Jewish Question). Ownership inscription and stamp on title page.

R. Elazar Kalir (1738-1801) was one of the most renowned Torah scholars of his times. He served as rabbi and yeshiva dean of Zabłudów, Rechnitz and Kolín. He edified many disciples and many of the rabbis of his generation were his close disciples. He corresponded extensively with the Noda BiYehudah, who esteemed him highly although R. Elazar was decades younger than him; after the passing of the Noda BiYehudah, he was deemed the leading halachic authority in Central Europe.

3 books. Varying size and condition. New bindings.