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Lot 130

Collection of Books – Copies of Important Ownership – Hungarian and Romanian Rabbis

Seven books, copies of important Hungarian and Romanian rabbis:

• Kol Shemuel, commentary on the Torah by R. Shmuel Conforte. Thessaloniki, [1787]. Only edition.
On endpaper, interesting ownership inscription of "Yaakov Segal", who acquired the book in 1842 by exchange with a rabbi from Thessaloniki in Eretz Israel, named "R. Eliyahu Shufami of the tribe of Benjamin" [on R. Eliyahu Shufami of Thessaloniki, who converted to Christianity in Jerusalem in 1848, see enclosed material]. On the same leaf, dedication by "Yosef HaLevi of Halych", who gave the book as a bar mitzvah present to his friend Yaakov Segal. Many signatures of rabbis of the Haberfeld family: R. "Moshe Shimon Tzvi HaLevi Haberfeld"; R. "Pinchas Yochanan HaLevi Haberfeld"; R. "Yaakov Haberfeld HaLevi"; and many signatures and inscriptions, including an inscription on borrowing the book from "my mother and teacher, the righteous… Mrs. Rachel", signed by R. Pinchas Yochanan HaLevi Haberfeld [Yosef HaLevi of Halych is apparently the son of Yaakov Segal (the first) who hosted Eliyahu Shufami in 1842, and the book was given as a gift to his friend Yaakov Segal the second. The recipient was apparently R. Yaakov Yisrael HaLevi Haberfeld, dayan of Turá Lúka (d. 1896) – father of R. Moshe Shimon Tzvi HaLevi Haberfeld, Rabbi of Topoľčany (father of R. Yaakov HaLevi Haberfeld, dayan in Pápa) and R. Pinchas Yochanan HaLevi Haberfeld. Their mother Rachel was the daughter of R. David Schick, Rabbi of Tokaj, author of Imrei David (see enclosed material).
• Yeriot Shlomo, Part I on Yoreh Deah, laws of shechitah and terefot, by R. Shlomo Zalman Ullman, Rabbi of Makó. Vienna, 1854. First edition. Damaged copy.
Many handwritten inscriptions: Torah novellae and ownership inscriptions of R. Chaim Moshe Kahana, Rabbi of Seleuș, and his grandson R. Shlomo Glanz. R. Chaim Moshe Kahana served as Rabbi of Seleuș starting ca. 1842, until his passing in 1856. His son-in-law R. Yosef Glanz served as dayan in Seleuș.
• Yeriot Shlomo, Part I, on Talmudic topics, by R. Shlomo Zalman Ullman, Rabbi of Makó. Munkacs, [1913]. First edition.
Handwritten inscription on title page: "Belongs to Yitzchak Tigerman, Rabbi of Gáva (Gávavencsellő), Tiszalök and Békéscsaba. Son of R. Yosef Meir Tigerman, Rabbi of Neuhäusel (Nové Zámky). On verso of endpaper, additional handwritten inscriptions of references.
• Shaar HaMelech, on the Rambam, by R. Yitzchak Nuñez-Belmonte. Lviv, [1910].
Handwritten inscriptions on title page and endpaper: "Belongs to Yitzchak Tigerman of Neuhäusel".
• Responsa Maharach Or Zarua, by R. Chaim Eliezer son of R. Yitzchak of Vienna. Leipzig, [1860].
Copy of Rebbe Naftali Teitelbaum, Rabbi of Nyírbátor – many stamps on title page and other leaves: "Naftali Teitelbaum, Rabbi of the Orthodox community of Nyírbátor".
R. Naftali Teitelbaum, Rabbi of Nyírbátor (1867-1938), second son of Rebbe Yisrael Yaakov Yukel Teitelbaum Rabbi of Volova (Mizhhiria) and grandson and disciple of Rebbe Yekutiel Yehudah Teitelbaum of Sighet, the Yitav Lev. Served as Rabbi of Nyírbátor for forty years, and headed the Orthodox Bureau in Hungary. He was a close friend of his cousin Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar, and worked together with the Minchat Elazar of Munkacs to bolster Judaism and oppose the Zionist movement.
• Responsa of R. Yitzchak of Lattes, with Hagahot Mordechai and Ateret Tzvi, by R. Mordechai Tzvi Friedlander. Vienna, [1860].
On title page: Stamp and signature of R. Moshe Chaim Weiss of Kleinwardein (Kisvárda) [author of Brit Moshe on the Smag, d. 1922]; another stamp and signature.
• Bereshit, with commentary of Rashi and three Targums, and with Masorah, Limudei Hashem and annotations, Part II, chapters 2-11 (until end of Parashat Noach), edited by R. Yonatan Steif. Budapest, [1932]. First edition.
On title page, handwritten dedication of the book to the Chassidic Beit Midrash Sefard Polin [in Budapest].

7 books. Varying size and condition. Good to fair condition. Old bindings. The books have not been thoroughly examined, and are being sold as is.