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Collection of Books – Copies Belonging to Disciples of the Chatam Sofer and Ketav Sofer – Signatures and Ownership Inscriptions

Five books of important ownership: copies belonging to Hungarian rabbis, disciples of the Chatam Sofer and Ketav Sofer, with signatures and ownership inscriptions:
• Amudei Shitim LeBeit HaLevi on the Order of Nezikin, by R. Levi son of David Pollak. Prague, 1791. Only edition.
Handwritten dedication signed by R. Avraham Tzvi Abeles, Rabbi of Sárbogárd (1819-1871), a disciple of the Chatam Sofer, son-in-law of R. Yitzchak Moshe Perls. Additional signatures.
• Kokhva DeShavit, novellae on the Talmud by R. Eliyahu Ventura. Thessaloniki, 1799.
At the top of title page, dedication by author in Ashkenazic script (trimmed). In center of title page, signature of R. Moshe Hertzfeld (Rabbi of Mezőszilas, 1816-1876, disciple of the Chatam Sofer and son-in-law of R. Daniel Prostitz).
• Pnei Yehoshua, Part I, responsa by R. Yaakov Yehoshua Falk. Lviv, 1860.
On endpaper, ownership inscriptions of R. Avraham Yitzchak Weinberger and additional signatures. R. Avraham Yitzchak Weinberger, Rabbi of Fryšták and Kleinwardein (Kisvárda; 1805-1885), stepson-in-law and student of the Chatam Sofer, leading Hungarian rabbi and yeshiva dean whose disciples include R. Chaim Tzvi Mannheimer, Rabbi of Ungvár (Uzhhorod), and Rebbe Meshulam Feish Lowy (the first) of Tosh.
• Birkat Kohanim, homilies and novellae on midrashim by R. Baruch HaKohen of Schoonhoven. Amsterdam, 1828.
Signatures on title page and following leaves: "Wolf Leib Fixel", "Wolf Leib". R. Binyamin Wolf Leib Fixel, disciple of the Baruch Taam and Chatam Sofer, dayan in Novo Mesto. Additional signature and inscription.
• Machaneh Efraim, responsa and novellae on the Rambam by R. Efraim Navon. Lviv, 1860.
Stamp and ownership inscription handwritten and signed by R. Naftali Sofer-Schreiber, disciple of the Ketav Sofer, on title page: "Naftali son of R. Tzvi Schreiber" – R. Naftali Sofer-Schreiber, dayan in Kleinwardein (Kisvárda), author of Maateh Naftali (ca. 1836-1913).
• Torat Chaim on nine tractates, by R. Avraham Chaim Schorr. Prague, [1692].
On leaf 1, early signature; on endpapers, ownership inscriptions of R. Yosef Yisrael Deutsch, Rabbi of Balassagyarmat.

5 books. Varying size and condition. Overall good-fair to fair-poor condition. Many stains and traces of former dampness, with mold stains. Tears. Old bindings, worn and damaged. The books have not been thoroughly examined, and are being sold as is.