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Lot 127

Collection of Books – Copies of Hungarian Rabbis – Learned Handwritten Glosses and Signatures

Twelve books with signatures, ownership inscriptions and learned glosses belonging to Hungarian and Transylvanian rabbis:

• Shnei Ofarim, ethical discourses for Shabbat and festivals by R. Tzvi Hirsch Broda. Prague, 1825. Only edition.
Signatures on title page: "Isserl Tauber" – R. Yisrael Isser Tauber, disciple of the Chatam Sofer (1823-1904). Additional signature: R. "Yeshayah Leib Fischhoff" – head of the Novo Mesto Beit Din ca. 1815-1830. Two lengthy handwritten glosses. On front endpaper, an interesting inscription [apparently handwritten by R. Isser Tauber] alluding to a personal resolution.
• Ara DeRabanan, principles of mitzvot by R. Yaakov Yisrael Algazi. Cracow, 1885.
Stamps of R. Yisrael Welz, head of the Budapest Beit Din, and additional stamp. On endpaper, lengthy handwritten Torah inscriptions. Tens of handwritten marginal glosses.
• Moreh Nevuchim by R. Moshe son of Maimon (Rambam). Zhovkva, 1860.
Signature, ownership inscription and stamp of R. Yekutiel Yehudah Bergfeld, Rabbi of Nimigea. Lengthy handwritten inscriptions on endpapers – including interesting inscription on the will of the Maggid of Mezeritch, a segulah for livelihood, which was discovered in the library of the Russian tsar (a forgery according to G. Scholem).
• Responsa Levushei Mordechai, Part I on Orach Chaim and Part II on Yoreh Deah, by R. Mordechai Winkler. Tolcsva, [1912]. First edition. Two parts in one volume.
At beginning of Part I, two lengthy glosses in tiny handwriting.
• Neta Sorek, novellae on Talmudic topics according to the order of the parashiyot, by R. Shraga Tzvi Tennenbaum. Munkacs, 1898.
On title page, ownership inscription by R. Shalom Goldenberg, Rabbi of Svaliava (brother-in-law of the Imrei Yosef of Spinka). On p. 73b, lengthy handwritten glosses. Stamp.
• Minchat Yosef, laws of terefot, Mahadura Tinyana, with Sheyarei Minchah by R. Chaim Yosef Aryeh Prager (the famous Slonim chassid "R. Yoshe shochet" of Brisk). Warsaw, 1904.
Stamp of R. David Sperber, Rabbi of Brașov, and a gloss in his handwriting.
• Responsa Tiferet Yosef, by R. Yosef Chanania Lipa Meisels, Rabbi of Przemyśl. Przemyśl, 1869.
On title page, stamp of R. "Yaakov Meir Wald, head of the Beit Din of Cluj (Klausenburg)" [1874-1928, disciple of the Shevet Sofer, dayan and posek in Klausenburg]. Gloss in his handwriting on leaf 17.
• Responsa Maharya, Part I on Orach Chaim and Yoreh Deah, by R. Yehudah Aszod. Lviv, 1873.
Signature on title page: "Yosef Yisrael Deutsch, son of R. Aharon David, Rabbi of Balassagyarmat", and stamp of his son "Chaim Aharon David Deutsch, son of R. Yosef Yisrael, Rabbi of Balassagyarmat". Signatures and inscriptions on endpaper, including signatures. Tiny inscriptions on leaves of book, signed "Yaakov Deutsch".
R. Yosef Yisrael Deutsch (1845-1927), Rabbi of Szendrő, succeeded his father R. Aharon David Deutsch (1813-1878) as Rabbi of Balassagyarmat. His son R. Chaim Aharon Deutsch (1898-1944, perished in the Holocaust), headed a yeshiva whose students included the Rebbe of Erlau.
• Yeriot Shlomo, on Talmudic topics, Part I, by R. Shlomo Zalman Ullman, Rabbi of Makó. [Vienna, 1854]. First edition. Missing title page. Handwritten glosses.
• Etz Chaim on the Torah, by Rebbe Chaim Tzvi Teitelbaum, Rabbi of Sighet. Sighet, 1927. First edition.
On title page, signature of R. "Chaim Aryeh Lerner". Tens of handwritten glosses on the leaves of the book (in two hands, one hand similar to the signature on the title page).
R. Chaim Aryeh Lerner, close disciple of the Atzei Chaim and later rabbi in New York.
• Knesset Yechezkel, on the Torah and homilies, by Rebbe Yechezkel son of R. Moshe Panet, Rabbi of Deyzh. Cluj, 1931. Two parts in one volume.
One handwritten gloss, signed with initials.
• Chidushei Maharap, novellae on aggadot and midrashim by R. Pesach Gottlieb, Rabbi of Nemyriv. Lviv, 1889.
Trimmed stamp of Rebbe "Yoel M. Teitelbaum, Rabbi of Királyháza", and an additional stamp from his period of residence in the United States. Gloss and handwritten inscriptions.

12 books. Varying size and condition. New bindings. The books have not been thoroughly examined, and are being sold as is.