Letter from R. Baruch Ber Leibowitz, dean of the Knesset Beit Yitzchak yeshiva in Kamenets. [Kamenets, 1930s].
Letter in Yiddish addressed to the Feigin family in Philadelphia, United States, donors of the yeshiva. R. Baruch Ber showers them with many blessings and thanks for their generous support of the yeshiva, describes the learning conditions in the yeshiva and how many students came from America to study in the yeshiva, including some likely to be the next generation's scholars.
The letter is mostly typewritten, and concludes with about 6 lines of warm and heartfelt blessings handwritten by the yeshiva's dean R. Baruch Ber Leibowitz.
R. Baruch Dov (Ber) Leibowitz (1864-1940), author of Birkat Shmuel, a leading Torah educator, was a disciple of R. Chaim of Brisk in the Volozhin yeshiva. He established a yeshiva in Hlusk, and later headed the Knesset Beit Yitzchak yeshiva in Slabodka. During World War I, he followed the displaced yeshiva to Minsk, Kremenchuk and Vilna, finally settling in Kamenets. He authored Birkat Shmuel, a classic Talmudic work of in-depth yeshiva study.
[2] leaves, official stationery. Approx. 27.5 cm. Good condition. Stains and folds.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.