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Lot 222

Letter of Blessing from the Lubavitcher Rebbe – 24 Tevet, 1959 – Congratulations on the Celebration of 19 Kislev, the Chassidic New Year

Letter from Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Brooklyn, New York, 24 Tevet, 1959.

Typewritten on the Rebbe's official stationery, with his signature.

Sent to R. Chaim Shalom HaLevi Segal of Jerusalem [on 24 Tevet, the day of the Alter Rebbe's passing]. The Rebbe congratulates him following the celebration of Yom HaBahir, 19 Kislev, the Chassidic new year, and blesses him to be a bearer of good tidings in all general and particular matters, "as the days of Chanukah teach us, as we constantly add [candles]".

R. Chaim Shalom HaLevi Segal (1918-1983), sixth generation from the Baal HaTanya. Founder and mashpia at the Chabad synagogue Beit Yehudah in the Mazkeret Moshe neighborhood in Jerusalem, and lecturer in the Etz Chaim yeshiva. He studied Rashi's commentary on the Torah for decades, and published his works Tosefet Rashi on the Tanach, Munachei Rashi and Yitron HaOr. On his visit to the Rebbe's court on Shmini Atzeret 1970, he was appointed the delegate from Israel as part of the "Chassidic United Nations".

Aerogram. 30.5 cm. Good condition. Folds. Light wear.