Likutei Torah, Parts I-IV, Chassidic discourses on the books of Vayikra-Devarim, the festivals and Shir HaShirim, by Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the Alter Rebbe. Zhitomir: R. Avraham Shalom Shadov, 1866. Second edition. Four parts (in four volumes).
Likutei Torah is considered one of the most important and fundamental books in Chabad Chassidic thought. It contains discourses on the books of Vayikra-Devarim (and Beshalach and Pekudei in Shemot), on festivals and on Shir HaShirim, while the discourses on the books of Bereshit and Shemot were published in Torah Or.
The book contains "homilies" which the Baal HaTanya delivered to the public on Shabbat and festivals, as well as "commentaries" which he gave over to his sons and select disciples during the course of the week to clarify what he had said in the Shabbat sermon. The homilies mostly deal with the Chassidic approach to worship of God, while the commentaries explain and simplify kabbalistic concepts, based on Chassidic teachings.
Four parts in four volumes: Part I (Vayikra): [4], 8; 54 leaves. Part II (Bamidbar): [1], 96 leaves. Part III (Devarim): [2], 100 leaves. Part IV (Shir HaShirim): [1], 51 leaves. Approx. 28.5-30 cm. Fair-good condition. Creases and wear. Stains, including large dark stains, affecting text. Inscriptions and stamps. New bindings.