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Collection of Books by Rebbe Chaim Elazar Shapiro of Munkacs, the Minchat Elazar – 1900-1940

Large collection of books by Rebbe Chaim Elazar Shapiro, Av Beit Din of Munkacs:
* Responsa Minchat Elazar, Part II. Munkacs: Shmuel Zanvil Kahana and his son-in-law Ozer HaKohen Fried, 1907. First edition
* Shaar Yissachar, on the months of the year and holidays – Parts I, II and III. Munkacs: Grafia (Eliezer Yechiel Kallisch), 1938-1940. First edition. Three volumes.
Signature on the title page of Part II: "Shimon Nemetin"; stamps and handwritten inscriptions to Part II by R. "Naftali Chaim Gutmann" of Debretzen in Bnei Brak, whose inscription (on the front endpaper) includes: "The righteous author was sandak to my brother Menachem, and my teacher R. Shlomo Tzuker was his close disciple and peer, who went with him all the time everywhere, also to Eretz Israel in 5790 [1930]".
* Olat Tamid, novellae on Tractate Tamid. Bratislava: Shlomo Zalman Neufeld and sons, 1922.
* Chamishah Maamarot. Beregszász (Berehove): Shmuel Shmelka Klein, 1922.
* Bound together with: Maamar Milei DeHespeida [printed originally with his book Olat Tamid, Bratislava, 1922].
* Zichron Tzaddikim, eulogies for Rebbe Avraham Yissachar HaKohen Rabbinowitz of Radomsk and his grandfather Rebbe Shlomo Shapiro of Munkacs. Munkacs: Kahn and Fried, 1905. Signature on last leaf: "Yosef Berger"; inscription: "Aharon Menachem Lebowicz son of the Gaon Av Beit Din of Chop" [R. Menachem Aharon Lebowicz, son of R. Yitzchak Tzvi, Av Beit Din of Chop, author of Shulchan HaEzer, and son-in-law of R. Asher Anshel Katz, Av Beit Din of Mediaș and Szerdahely (Dunajská Streda). Served as young rabbi in Chop. Perished in the Holocaust.]
* Zichron Tzaddikim, facsimile print of the above Munkacs, 1905 edition.
* Toldot Rabbenu, biography of R. Chaim Elazar Shapiro, by R. David Kahana. Munkacs: Grafia, 1938. Stamps of R. Aharon Yaakov Altmann.
* Seder Shanah HaAcharonah, biography of R. Chaim Elazar Shapiro, Av Beit Din of Munkacs, issue 1, by Yitzchak Adler of Beregszász, "one of the Rebbe's disciples". Munkacs: Grafia – Eliezer Yechiel Kallisch and partner, 1937.
* Bound with: Taryag Mitzvot, ordered according to the human limbs, by R. Shmuel son of Azriel Yechiel Rubin. Vranov nad Topľou: Shmuel Katz Singer, 1934.
* Divrei Kodesh, Torah discourses from Hoshana Rabba – two booklets, with sermons delivered by the Rebbe of Munkacs between 1933-1934. Jerusalem: HaMaarav, 1933 / Munkacs: Grafia, 1934. Two volumes.
* Divrei Torah – First, second, third and fourth series, four booklets with novellae of Rebbe Chaim Elazar Shapiro, Av Beit Din of Munkacs. Bratislava-Munkacs, [Shlomo Zalman Neufeld and sons], Eliezer Yechiel Kallisch and partner, Grafia, 1922-1930. Four volumes.

18 books and booklets in 16 volumes. Varying sizes and conditions. New bindings. The books were not thoroughly examined, and are sold as is.

Rebbe Chaim Elazar Shapiro, Av Beit Din of Munkacs (1872-1937), the Minchat Elazar, was a leading Torah scholar, halachic and Chassidic authority. Son of Rebbe Tzvi Hirsch Shapiro, Av Beit Din of Munkacs, author of Shem Shlomo, he was born to the dynasty of Rebbe Tzvi Elimelech of Dinov, the Bnei Yissachar. He fought for the holiness of Judaism, and his halachic and kabbalistic teachings are studied all over the world. Author of Minchat Elazar, Shaar Yissachar, Nimukei Orach Chaim, Divrei Torah in nine parts, and more.