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Large Collection of Official Questionnaires Signed by Hungarian Rabbis – 1940-1942 – Rare Historical Documentation of Hungarian Rabbis and Communities Just Before the Holocaust

Collection of 40 official forms – printed questionnaires filled in and signed by Hungarian rabbis. Forms sent to Hungarian authorities in 1940, and other forms sent to the Hungarian military in 1942. Hungarian.

Official questionnaires filled in by hand (or typewritten) by community rabbis, containing detailed personal information on the rabbis who filled out the forms: the name of the rabbi, where he served as rabbi, his date and place of birth, his address, his official role in the community, his year of appointment as rabbi, where he previously served as rabbi, which authority approved the choice of him as rabbi, who ordained him as rabbi, what the Jewish population was in the city during the most recent census, enclosed documents, and more. The forms are signed by the local rabbi (who filled out the document) and the rabbi of the province. All the forms bear the official stamps of the rabbis and community leaders.

The present item is a rare and exceptional documentation of the rabbis and their communities just before the Holocaust, containing much information unknown from other sources. Most of the rabbis and community leaders who signed the documents perished in the Holocaust.

The collection includes forms (Bejelentőlap) issued by the Hungarian authorities and filled out in 1940:

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Meir Leifer, Av Beit Din of Felsökalocsa, and signed and stamped by rabbi of the province and Volova (Okörmezö, Mizhhiria).

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Aharon Kahana, Av Beit Din of Bistra (Petrovabisztra; grandson of Rebbe Yosef Meir Weiss, the Imrei Yosef of Spinka), and signed by community leaders.

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Yitzchak Schreiber (Sofer), Av Beit Din of Havasköz, signed and stamped by rabbi of the province R. Tzvi Hirsch Schreiber (Sofer), Av Beit Din of Nagyberezna, and signed by the community president and with the community's stamp.

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Chaim Friedman, Av Beit Din of Szomotor, signed and stamped by rabbi of the province R. Yoel Ze'ev Glattstein, Av Beit Din of Királyhelmecz, and signed by the community president and with the community's stamp.

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Chaim Grünzweig, Av Beit Din of Ladmóc (son of R. Asher Zelig Grünzweig, Av Beit Din of Dovhe), signed by the community leader and with the community's stamp.

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Yehoshua Lerner, Av Beit Din of Volóc (Volovets), signed by the community leader and with the community's stamp.

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Natan Yosef Zimtbaum, rabbi in Grosswardein (Nagyvárad; grandson of R. Pinchas Zimtbaum, Av Beit Din of Grosswardein), signed by the community leaders and with the community's stamp.

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Aharon Tzvi Kestenbaum, signed and stamped by R. Shlomo Yitzchak HaKohen Schönfeld, Av Beit Din of Tiszaújlak, signed by the president of the community and with the community's stamp.

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Shlomo Yitzchak HaKohen Schönfeld, Av Beit Din of Tiszaújlak, signed by the president of the community and with the community's stamp.

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Yitzchak Tzvi (Gyula) Fürst of the Talmud Torah society in Dunaszerdahely, signed by the rabbi of the province (apparently the signature of R. Hillel Weinberger, Av Beit Din of Dunaszerdahely), with the signatures and stamps of the community and community leaders.

• Questionnaire filled in and signed and by R. Avraham (Gáspár) Engel, rabbi of the yeshiva of Dunaszerdahely, signed by the rabbi of the province (apparently the signature of R. Hillel Weinberger, Av Beit Din of Dunaszerdahely), with the signatures and stamps of the community and community leaders.

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. David Selzer, rabbi of the synagogue and Beit Midrash of Dunaszerdahely, signed by the rabbi of the province (apparently the signature of R. Hillel Weinberger, Av Beit Din of Dunaszerdahely), with the signatures and stamps of the community and community leaders.

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Avraham Schopschowitz, Av Beit Din of Szászóka, signed by the rabbi of the province R. Chaim Yehudah Leib Goldenberg, Av Beit Din of Szolyva (Svaliava), and signed and stamped by the community leaders and with the community's stamp.

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Shmuel Glück, Av Beit Din of Bodzásújlak, and signed by the community leader and with the community's stamp.

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Yosef Glück, Av Beit Din of Garany-Szürnyeg, and signed and stamped by rabbi of the province R. Shmuel Glück, Av Beit Din of Bodzásújlak, signed by the community president and with the community's stamp.

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Alexander Schwartz, dayan and posek in Szolotvina, signed and stamped by R. Chaim Yehudah Leib Goldenberg, Av Beit Din of Szolyva, and signed by the community president and with the community's stamp.

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Moshe Dov Ber Weissberger, Av Beit Din of Nagytárkány, signed and stamped by the community president and with the community's stamp.

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Shmuel Shmelka Ginsburg, Av Beit Din of Aranyosmeggyes, signed by the community leader and with the community's stamp.

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Meir Weiss, rabbi in Oroszvég, signed by R. Ben Tzion Weiss, Av Beit Din of Oroszvég, signed by the community leader and with the community's stamp.

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Nachum Perl, shochet in Tiszabogdány, signed and stamped by R. Shlomo Spitzer, Av Beit Din of Tiszabogdány, signed by the community leader R. Shmuel Rosenberg and with the community's stamp.

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Moshe Yaakov Beek, Av Beit Din of Alsóapsa, signed by the community leader and with the community's stamp.

• Questionnaire filled in on behalf of by R. Tzvi (Herman) Friedman, Av Beit Din of Kovácsrét, signed by R. Shlomo Kahn and with the community's stamp.

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Aladár Roth, Av Beit Din of Bercsényifalva, with the community's stamp, and signed by the provincial community leader (R. Shmuel Yehudah Steiger?) and with the community stamp of Nagyberezna.

• Questionnaire filled in, signed and stamped by R. Yosef Yosovitch, Av Beit Din of Beregpálfalva (Volovytsya), signed by the rabbi of the Ilosva province (R. Moshe Wertzberger, Av Beit Din of Ilosva?), signed by the community leader and with the community's stamp.

• Two questionnaires filled in, signed and stamped by R. Shmuel Landau, Av Beit Din of Nagybocskó, signed by the president of the community and with the community's stamps.

• Questionnaire filled in and signed by R. Yaakov Seidenfeld, Av Beit Din of Gyertyánliget, signed and stamped by rabbi of the province R. Shmuel Landau, Av Beit Din of Nagybocskó, and signed by the president of the community and with the community's stamps.

• Questionnaire filled in and signed by R. Yosef Wiesel, rabbi in Nagybocskó, with his signature and that of rabbi of the province R. Shmuel Landau, Av Beit Din of Nagybocskó, and signed by the president of the community and with the community's stamps.

The collection additionally includes forms (kérdőív) from the authority of the military authorities filled out in the year 1942, including questionnaires filled out by:

• R. Aharon Tzvi Kestenbaum, dayan and posek in Tiszaújlak;

• R. Azriel Yehudah Leibowitz, Av Beit Din of Hajdúhadház;

• R. Avraham Eliezer Citron, Av Beit Din of Hajdúdorog;

• R. Yehoshua Citron, Av Beit Din of Hajdúböszörmény;

• R. Yitzchak Schreiber (Sofer), rabbi in Nagyberezna;

• R. Wolf Strobach (Ze'ev Sheftel Henich Edelhaub), dayan and posek in Iszka;

• R. Yekutiel Yehudah (Zalman) Halpert, Av Beit Din of Hajdúnánás;

• R. Shlomo Zucker, Av Beit Din of Nagyhalász;

• R. Moshe Dov Ber son of R. Shalom Noach Landau, dayan and posek in Alsóverecke; • R. Menachem Mendel Lemberger, Av Beit Din of Polgár;

• R. David Gross, Av Beit Din of Tab;

• R. Shmuel Shmelka Ginsburg, Av Beit Din of Aranyosmeggyes.

[41] leaves. 34 cm. Overall good condition.