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Lot 96

Books from Library of Rebbe Chaim Halberstam of Satmar (Son of Rebbe of Ratzfert) – With Signatures and Lengthy Gloss in his Handwriting – Signatures of Two of Rebbe Chaim Halberstam’s Sons

Four volumes and printer’s sheet from library of Rebbe Chaim Halberstam, Rosh Av Beit Din, dayan and posek in Satmar, with his stamps, signatures and a lengthy gloss in his handwriting:

1-2. Maayenei HaChochmah, on Tractate Bava Metzia, Part I – Mahadura Kama, and Part II – Mahadura Batra, by R. Aryeh Leib Zünz. Warsaw: Shalom Shachna Munk, 1895. Two parts in two volumes. Ownership signatures on title pages of both parts: “Chaim Halberstam”; “Chaim Halberstam of Ratzfert, now in…” (partially cut off); stamp on the title page to Part I: “Chaim Halberstam, residing here in Satmar”.

Part I: [2], 135 leaves. Part II: [2], 2-71 leaves. Missing final 8 leaves. At the beginning of Part II appears the title page to Part I (the title page was originally bound with this part, since the Rebbe’s signature appears at the top of both title pages). 29.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, tears and damage. Inscriptions and stamps. New bindings.

3. Minchat Kohen, on the laws of Bein HaShemashot, by R. Avraham Pimentel. Lemberg (Lviv): Uri Ze’ev Salat, 1892. His stamps on title page and other leaves, from his period of residence in Ratzfert in his youth: “Chaim Halberstam Ratzfert”; and his stamp on the title page from his period of residence in Satmar: “Chaim Halberstam, residing here in Satmar”.

On the endpapers, signatures of two of his sons: “Mordechai Dov Halberstam” [R. Mottele Halberstam, son-in-law of R. Avraham Steiner of Kerestir, served as Rabbi in Tiszalök and later opened his own Beit Midrash in Miskolc; perished in the Holocaust]; “Yaakov Yitzchak Halberstam” [R. Chaim’s third and youngest son, in 1943 married daughter of R. David Yaakov Brisk, Av Beit Din of Tiszadada; perished in the Holocaust].

On the front endpaper is a Kvittel inscription for a complete recovery written by one of his followers. On title page and additional leaves, stamps of “R. Moshe HaKohen Gross – Geneva” [R. Moshe Gross, an important Belz Chassid, 1916-1980]. Inscription on title page: “I bought this book from R. Avraham Shmuel Schreiber, here in Kamenets”.

[1], 2-88 leaves. 25.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, tears and damage. Repaired with paper. New leather binding.

4. Chanukat HaTorah, collection of novellae by R. Heshel of Cracow. Piotrków: Shlomo Belchatowski, [ca. 1900-1910 – stereotype of first edition, 1900]. Ownership inscription on title page, handwritten and signed by Rebbe Chaim Halberstam during his period of residence in Ratzfert in his youth. Many stamps on title page and other leaves of the Beit Midrash of Rebbe Shalom Eliezer Halberstam in Ratzfert.

[1], 5-16 pages; 91, 90-114 pages. 21.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Wear and tears. Stamps. New leather binding.

5. Leaf from Tractate Gittin, Piskei HaRosh [small format, apparently from one of Lemberg editions ca. 1860-1870, p. 99a]. On the margins of the leaf is a lengthy handwritten gloss signed “Chaim Halberstam”.

[1] leaf. 22 cm. Good condition.

Rebbe Chaim Halberstam (1885-1942), firstborn of Rebbe Shalom Eliezer of Ratzfert (1862-1944). Named for his illustrious paternal grandfather, the Divrei Chaim of Sanz. At a young age he married the daughter of Rebbe Avraham Shalom Pinchas HaLevi Rottenberg of Wolbrom. He was famed for his great holiness and intense prayer, and he was known as a great Torah scholar and posek. He was very beloved by his maternal grandfather, Rebbe Mordechai Dov Twersky of Hornostaipil, who appreciated his great learning and corresponded with him on halachic matters (printed in Emek HaChochmah and Shoshanat HaAmakim). In Shoshanat HaAmakim, his grandfather calls him “my dear grandson, beloved to my heart, nice and pleasant vine, branch full of wisdom, with erudition and right reasoning”, and the like. At the age of 57 he fell sick and did not recover. His funeral took place in Satmar, and he was eulogized by the leader of the local community, Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum, and others. His son, R. Alter Meir David took his place as dayan. All his descendants perished in the Holocaust. Opening: $250