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Lot 93

Huge Collection of Hundreds of Letters to the Rebbe of Satmar – From Rabbis and Laymen of Jerusalem and Eretz Israel, 1950s-1970s

Collection of about 380 letters sent to Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar. Most of them sent from Jerusalem, 1950s-1970s. Most in Hebrew, the rest in Yiddish.

The letters were written by rabbis, rebbes, dayanim, followers and associates, and pious laymen in Jerusalem and Eretz Israel, and by associations, organizations, yeshivas and Torah and charitable institutions in Eretz Israel.

Letters signed and stamped by the rabbis and institutions, some of them on official stationery. Most are handwritten and some are typewritten. Many of them contain letters of recommendation from various rabbis in the margins. In the margins of some of the letters are inscriptions and stamps of the Rebbe's secretary, with a summary of the contents of the request.

Most of the letters deal with requests for assistance or financial support, or receipts and confirmations for charitable funds sent from the Satmar Rebbe. Many of the letters include Shanah Tovah and Ketivah VaChatimah Tovah wishes; blessings for Jewish festivals; names to be mentioned in prayer for blessing and sustenance, health and happiness from children; halachic questions and Torah discussions; advocacy and communal affairs; resolution of controversies and disputes; and more.

The collection includes letters from rabbis, including: • Dayan R. Yisrael Yitzchak HaLevi Reisman; • Dayan R. Eliyahu Zlotnik; • Rebbe Yisrael Taussig of Mattersdorf, the Beit Yisrael; • Rebbe Naftali Mordechai Schmerler (Premishlaner Rebbe), Acre; • Posek R. Shalom HaLevi Eisen; • Maggid R. Shabtai Yudelevitz; • Kabbalist R. Yehoshua Sharbani; • Kabbalist R. Moshe Yair Weinstock; • Jerusalem Maggid R. Ben Tzion Yadler; • R. Moshe Yehoshua Landau, dean of Shaagat Aryeh yeshiva; • R. Aharon Katzenellenbogen, dean of Torah VeYirah yeshiva; • R. Efraim Zalman Heilprin; • R. Shlomo Zalman Brisel; • R. Avraham Aharonovitz; • R. Yaakov Moshe Krämer; • R. Chaim Yaakov Klapholtz; • R. Yitzchak Arieli, author of Einayim LeMishpat; • Rebbe Shalom Safrin of Komarno; • R. Amram Blau, leader of Neturei Karta; • R. Berish Soltz of Safed; • R. Moshe Chaim Stroli of Bnei Brak (disciple of the Kedushat Yom Tov of Sighet); • R. Simchah Buman David Sofer; • R. Yosef HaLevi Zimmerman; • R. Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Schwartz; and many more.

In addition, the collection contains letters from yeshivas, institutions and organizations: • the Union of Yeshivas in Eretz Israel; • LiFlagot Reuven yeshiva; • directors of the Sephardic Edah HaCharedit; • Yeshivat HaMatmidim; • the Project to Integrate Children of Immigrants; • the League to Save Jewish Children from Persecution; • Kiryat Sefer Talmud Torah, Yeshiva and Soup Kitchen; • Torah VeYirah yeshiva; and more.

About 380 leaves (some on official stationery or aerogram). Varying size and condition. Overall good condition.