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Lot 89

Letter of Rabbis of Edah HaCharedit to the Satmar Rebbe – 1972 – Conscription of Girls and Jailing of Religious Boys who Set Fire to Despicable Shop – Signatures of Minchat Yitzchak, Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Freund and Rabbi Eliyahu Zlotnik

Lengthy letter (two pages) to Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar from R. Shlomo Zalman Brizel, head of the "Committee to Guard Jewish Sanctity"; with a handwritten letter of assent signed by the dayanim and rabbis of the Edah HaCharedit. Jerusalem, [1972].

Printed on official stationery of the Committee to Guard Jewish Sanctity, and signed by the chairman of the committee R. Zalman Brizel (one of the elder Chassidim of Pinsk-Karlin in Jerusalem).

In the margins of the second page is a handwritten letter of assent from the dayanim of the Beit Din of the Edah HaCharedit in Jerusalem, signed by the Rosh Av Beit Din R. Yitzchak Yaakov Weiss, author of Minchat Yitzchak; the dayan R. Moshe Aryeh Freund; and the dayan R. Eliyahu Zlotnik; with the stamp: "Beit Din Tzedek for all Ashkenazi communities".

In his letter R. Zalman tells the Rebbe of the arrest of two religious boys for "setting fire to the despicable shop" in Tel Aviv, and the police officers' abuse of them ("they did not allow them to lay tefillin, and they were not permitted to bring in kosher food… they likewise suffered cruel beatings…"). R. Zalman goes on to describe at length the increasingly severe legislation regarding conscription of religious girls to the army ("which contradicts the Torah's view which forbids serving in the army, which one is obligated to die rather than transgress"), and he tells how religious girls are obliged to go into hiding for fear of conscription. At the end of the letter R. Zalman asks the Rebbe "to come up with a plan and rouse the rabbis and leaders of the Charedi community to do whatever is necessary to stop this filthy current doing mischief in Charedi Judaism which may, God forbid, get worse and worse…".

In the margins of R. Zalman's letter is added a letter of assent from the dayanim of the Edah HaCharedit in Jerusalem [in the handwriting of the court scribe R. Avraham Mordechai Breitstein], who write: "We the Beit Din Tzedek here in Jerusalem are faithful to the urgent request, and request you to do whatever is possible to annul the 'terrible decree' of 'conscription of girls' that they want to legislate now requiring them all to pass medical tests… which is to willfully cause transgression of Jewish religion and modesty of Jewish girls, and this is nearly tantamount to sexual immorality, and worlds must be shaken for this. We also ask to act for the release of the two prisoners because of the despicable shop, for them to go out from darkness to a great light… Yitzchak Yaakov Weiss, Rosh Av Beit Din, Jerusalem, Moshe Ephraim Freund… Eliyahu Zlotnik".

[2] leaves, official stationery (printed on one side). Approx. 28 cm. Good condition. Folds.