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Lot 87

Collection of Halachic and Torah Letters Sent to Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar

Collection of seven halachic and Torah letters sent to Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar. Israel and United States, 1955-1966.

Letters typewritten or handwritten and signed by rabbis, some on official stationery. The letters include various blessings and inscriptions of names to be mentioned for blessing in prayer.

• Lengthy letter (17 typewritten pages), halachic discussion on laws of divorce, by R. Avraham Mordechai HaLevi Horowitz, yeshiva dean and dayan and posek, author of Kevod Yerushalayim and Otzar Leshon HaMidrash. Jerusalem, Tamuz 1959.

• Lengthy letter (4 pages) handwritten by R. Natan Menachem Mandel, author of Yalkut Natan on Passover Haggadah, discussion on Vayoel Moshe. Rochester, 1960.

• Two letters handwritten by R. Naftali Yaakov HaKohen of Hajdúnánás [author of Otzar HaGedolim Alufei Yaakov, important disciple of the Arugat HaBosem in Khust, dayan and posek in Cârlibaba and Valea lui Mihai, and dayan in the Beit Din to allow agunot to remarry after the Holocaust], Torah novellae on Purim. Haifa, Adar 1955.

• Letter (2 pages) handwritten by R. Chaim Baruch Paskowitz, Av Beit Din and rabbi of the Union of Congregations in Rochester, New York, regarding appointing new mashgiachs in the city. 1955.

• Letter (2 typewritten pages) by R. Tzvi Yaakov Abraham, Av Beit Din of Turda and director of the Bureau of Orthodox Communities in Transylvania, author of "On the History of Judaism in Transylvania" (Hebrew), apology for the "upset" caused by his son-in-law R. Hillel Seidman, editor of the periodical Di Yiddishe Voch. Brooklyn, Adar I, 1957.

• Letter (2 typewritten and handwritten pages) by R. Shlomo Hershkovitz, polemic on the kosher certification given by R. Avraham Shlomo Katz, Av Beit Din of the Yitav Lev community in Bnei Brak, to machine-made Tzitzit. Jerusalem, Tamuz 1966.

• Letter (aerogram) by the secretary of the Edah HaCharedit R. Yosef Scheinberger to the attendant R. Yosef Ashkenazi; in his letter he asks the Satmar Rebbe's opinion on the customs of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz in the morning washing of the hands, reading before washing hands, drinking coffee before prayer, reciting a blessing over a Tallit Katan, and more. Jerusalem, Tamuz 1962.

[7] letters (28 leaves). Varying size and condition. Overall good condition.