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Lot 86

Large Collection of Letters from All Over the World to Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar – 1950s-1970s

Large and assorted collection of 65 letters of rabbis, dayanim, followers and associates, to Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar and his attendant R. Yosef Ashkenazi. 1950s-1970s. Most in Hebrew, the rest in Yiddish.

Letters of rabbis, dayanim, followers and associates, pious laymen in Jerusalem and Eretz Israel, and of associations, organizations, yeshivas and Torah and charitable institutions all over the world.

Handwritten letters (a few typewritten), with signatures and stamps of rabbis and institutions, some on official stationery.

The letters contain Shanah Tovah and Ketivah VaChatimah Tovah wishes; blessings for Jewish festivals; names to be mentioned in prayer for blessing and sustenance, health and happiness from children; personal questions and requests for advice; donations to support Satmar institutions; halachic questions and Torah discussions; advocacy and communal affairs; resolution of controversies and disputes; printing books; requests for assistance and financial support; receipts and confirmations of donations received; and more.

The collection includes letters from rabbis including: • R. Yechiel Yehudah Isaacson, son-in-law of the Atzei Chaim of Sighet (brother of the Rebbe of Satmar), rabbi of the Achuzah neighborhood in Haifa and Magen Avraham community in Los Angeles; • R. Shalom Schnitzler, Av Beit Din of Békéscsaba, rabbi in London; • R. Avraham David Horowitz, Av Beit Din of Adath Israël community in Strasbourg [later member of the Badatz Edah HaCharedit in Jerusalem]; • R. Shmuel Pressburger, Av Beit Din of Bonyhád and rabbi in Vienna; • R. Chaim Meir Braun, rabbi of Etz Chaim Beit Midrash in Boro Park; • R. Tzvi Elazar Flam [son of Rebbe David Flam of Alesk-Montreal]; • R. Tzvi Yaakov Abraham, Av Beit Din of Turda and director of the Bureau of Orthodox Communities in Transylvania, author of "On the History of Judaism in Transylvania" (Hebrew); • R. Yehoshua Friedman, "brother of R. Lipa Friedman"; • R. Moshe Chaim Efraim Bloch; • R. Mordechai Moshe Felshin of New York; • R. Gedaliah Finkelstein of Bonyhád; • R. Yitzchak Blusenstein of Budapest; • R. Yehudah Aryeh Pilaf of London ["a refugee from Kleinwardein, Hungary, and recently I have been living in Budapest, and I was an emissary of the local Beit Din"]; • R. Yaakov HaKohen Blass of Munich; • R. Eliezer Yaakov son of R. Tzvi Hirsch Farber, a rabbi in London; • R. Elchanan Pesach Gordon, rabbi of Knesset Yisrael community in Chicago; • R. Avraham Yisrael Yoskovitz of Satmar; • R. Eliezer Gorelik, rabbi in New Haven, Connecticut; • R. Shmuel Dov Bernath, Av Beit Din of Adath Israel in Sydney, Australia; • R. Moshe Rosenberg of Paris; • R. Chaim Davidowitz, rabbi of Knesset Yisrael community in Denver, Colorado; • R. Asher Silberstein, chairman of the Rabbinical Union of Los Angeles; • R. Elisha Rosenfeld, formerly rabbi in Chișinău, Iași and Grosswardein (Oradea); • R. Simchah Yosef Walter, rabbi in Brooklyn; • and more.

The collection includes letters of yeshivas, institutions and organizations: • Beit Yaakov in Bronx, New York; • Or Yosef yeshiva in France; • Beit Hillel yeshiva in New York; and more.

About 65 letters, some on official stationery or aerograms. Varying size and condition. Overall good condition.