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Lot 85

Thirty Letters of Rebbes and Rabbis – To Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar – New Year Blessings and Requests for Prayer

Large collection of thirty letters of rebbes and rabbis sent to Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar. Israel and other places, ca. 1950s-1960s.

Letters handwritten and signed by rebbes and rabbis (two letters typewritten and signed by hand). Some letters are lengthy. Contents of the letters include blessings for a Shanah Tovah and Ketivah VaChatimah Tovah, names with requests for blessing, halachic questions, invitations, consultations, receipts, requests for financial and material assistance and more.

In the collection:

• Letter of R. Tzvi Hirsch Meisels, Av Beit Din and dean of Yeshiva Shearis Yisroel in Chicago [formerly Av Beit Din of Neumark, Weitzen (Vác) and the displaced persons camp of Bergen-Belsen, and Chief Rabbi in the British occupation zone in Germany]. Chicago, Elul 1960.

• Letter of Rebbe Meshulam Yissachar Ashkenazi of Stanislav (Ivano-Frankivsk) and London. England, Elul 1961.

• Two letters of Rebbe Tzvi Halberstam of Rudnik, Av Beit Din of the Atzei Chaim community in Los Angeles (son of Rebbe Avraham Halberstam, Av Beit Din of Rudnik, and son-in-law of R. Yitzchak Eizik Halberstam of Solotvyno). Los Angeles, 1960/1964.

• Letter of Rebbe Meshulam Zusha Twersky of Loyev-Chernobyl. Jerusalem, Elul 1957.

• Letter of Rebbe Aryeh Leibish Halberstam of Sanz-Zmigrod [author of Aryeh Shaag]. Jaffa, Shevat 1952.

• Three letters of Rebbe Yechezkel Shraga Lipschitz Halberstam of Stropkov. Ramla, 1951-1952 / Jerusalem, 1962.

• Two letters of R. Yoel Heilprin, Av Beit Din of Jasło and rabbi in the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp. Brooklyn, 1961-1963.

• Letter of R. Yeshayah Asher Zelig Margaliot (with letter of his son R. Shlomo Eliezer Margaliot). Jerusalem, Tishrei 1968.

• Letter of the Heichal HaTorah yeshiva in Jerusalem, signed by the dean R. Eliyahu Zlotnik [a dayan of the Badatz Edah HaCharedit], and the famous tzaddik R. Yaakov Yosef Herman [All for the Boss]. Jerusalem, Nisan 1965.

• Letter of Rebbe Naftali Asher Yeshayah Moskowitz of Melitz, who seeks the Rebbe's counsel on his upcoming move to Ashdod. Chanukkah 1978.

• Letter of Rebbe David Halberstam of Chrzanów-United States [son of Rebbe Baruch Halberstam of Chrzanów, son of Rebbe Moshe of Chrzanów]. Elul 1967.

• Letter of R. Yitzchak Tzvi Sofer, "the rabbi of Timișoara". Jerusalem, Shevat 1955.

• Letter of R. Efraim Eliezer Yolles, Av Beit Din of Philadelphia, who writes to the Rebbe that his attendants did not let him meet with the Rebbe on his previous visit, but expresses his faith that the Rebbe will nevertheless mention him in his prayers.

• Letter of R. Shmuel Pressburger, Av Beit Din of Bonyhád and later rabbi of the Schiffschul in Vienna. Vienna, Elul 1965.

• Letter of Rebbe Mordechai David Teitelbaum of Husakiv-Be'er Sheva, who writes to the Rebbe: "People have suggested… that I settle in Be'er Sheva… I wish to ask the leave and permission of the Rebbe regarding this…". Jerusalem, Adar II 1957.

• Letter of Rebbe Yisrael Taussig, author of Beit Yisrael. Jerusalem, Elul 1960.

• Letter of R. Natan David Rosenblum of Apta (who writes to the Rebbe's publishers: "I know the Rebbe for forty years, even since he was Rabbi of Carei"). Avellaneda (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Adar 1960.

• Letter of Rebbe Moshe Rokeach of Kozlov. Brooklyn, New York, [no date].

• Letter of Rebbe Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Deutsch, Av Beit Din of Helmetz (Kráľovský Chlmec). São Paulo (Brazil), 1962.

• Letter of Rebbe Shalom Yechezkel Shraga Rubin-Halberstam of Cheshinov (Cieszanów). Brooklyn, Iyar 1961.

• Letter of R. Mordechai Tzvi Schwartz, rabbi of Shomrei Shabbat community in Cleveland, Ohio [disciple of the Kedushat Yom Tov of Sighet and the Zichron Yehudah of Satmar], on the Rebbe's upcoming visit to Cleveland. Cleveland, Cheshvan 1959.

• Letter of Rebbe "Shimon Natan Neta son of Chavah Sarah" Biderman of Lelov-Jerusalem. Jerusalem, 1967.

• Letter of Rebbe Yoel Beer of Ratzfert. São Paulo (Brazil), Kislev 1960.

• Letter of R. Yisrael Aharon Unger-Halberstam, the dayan of Košice. Montreal, eve of Rosh Hashanah.

• Letter of R. Elimelech Ashkenazi, Av Beit Din of the United Orthodox Community of São Paulo [later Av Beit Din of Adat Yisrael, Melbourne]. São Paulo (Brazil), Elul 1959.

• Letter of R. Yitzchak Rabin "son of Chanah Peshya". New York, Nisan 1957.

30 letters, most on official stationery. Varying size and condition. Overall good condition.