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Lot 77

Collection of Telegrams from the Rebbetzin and Rebbe of Sassov to their Father the Rebbe of Satmar – Getting Visas to Immigrate to Eretz Israel – 1944-1946

Seven telegrams sent regarding Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar's immigration to Israel, from his daughter Chayah Roiza and their son-in-law Rebbe Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Mayer-Teitelbaum, and an additional telegram from R. Yoel Ashkenazi in Tiberias. Jerusalem and Tiberias, 1944-1946. English.

The telegrams were sent to Geneva, Switzerland, where R. Yoel of Satmar and his attendant R. Yosef Ashkenazi lived in the months following their rescue in the Kastner train. The telegrams detail the many efforts of his daughter Chayah Roiza and his son-in-law Rebbe Chananya Yom Tov Lipa to get immigration visas for the Rebbe of Satmar and his faithful attendant R. Yosef Ashkenazi [Rebbetzin Chayah Roiza and her husband Rebbe Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Mayer-Teitelbaum were earlier rescued in a different way and reached Jerusalem].

In the collection: • Four telegrams sent to Rebbe Yoel in Geneva – two of them signed by Rebbetzin Chayah Roiza and her husband Rebbe Chananya Yom Tov Lipa, and two signed only by Rebbe Chananya Yom Tov Lipa; • A telegram sent by Rebbe Chananya Yom Tov Lipa to the attendant R. Yosef Ashkenazi in Geneva; • A telegram from Rebbe Chananya Yom Tov Lipa to R. Alexander Chaim Ashkenazi in Lugano [son of Rebbe Yitzchak Vilitzker-Ashkenazi of Stanislav, and cousin of Rebbe Yoel of Satmar; R. Alexander Chaim stayed in Lugano, Switzerland during World War II]. • A telegram from R. Yoel Ashkenazi in Tiberias (brother of the attendant R. Shraga Feivish Ashkenazi, and cousin of the Rebbe of Satmar), to R. Alexander Chaim Ashkenazi in Lugano.

Inscriptions in pen and pencil to the margins and reverse side of some telegrams.

[7] telegrams. Good general condition. Filing holes. Folds and creases. Stains and light wear. Minor tears.