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Lot 69

Letter of Blessing from Rebbe Yoel of Satmar, Written "At his Holy Command" by his Attendant Rabbi Yosel Ashkenazi

Letter of blessing from Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar. Brooklyn, New York, [8 Tevet], 1963.

Printed on official stationery of the "Secretary of the Satmar Rebbe", with details filled in in handwriting by the famed attendant R. Efraim Yosef Dov Ashkenazi. Sent to R. Yechiel son of Hinda(?), who attached a Pidyon Nefesh donation of 100 dollars to his letter to the Rebbe, "and he prayed for him and his household and blessed him with success and satisfaction from all his children, and may he merit to be a bearer of good tidings always – written and signed at the holy command seeking his welfare, Yosef Ashkenazi, attendant".

Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar (1887-1979) was the youngest son of Rebbe Chananya Yom Tov Lipa, the Kedushat Yom Tov (1836-1904), and grandson of Rebbe Yekutiel Yehuda, the Yitav Lev (1808-1883), who both served as rabbis of Sighet (Sighetu Marmației) and were leaders of Chassidic Jewry in the Maramureș region. He was renowned from his youth as a leading Torah scholar of his generation, for his perspicacity and intellectual capacities, as well as for his holiness and outstanding purity. At a young age, he was appointed rabbi of Irshava. In 1925, he was appointed rabbi of Karoly (Carei; in place of R. Shaul Brach who went to serve as rabbi of Kashoi), and in 1934, of Satmar (Satu Mare). In all the places he served as rabbi, he also maintained a large yeshiva and Chassidic court. He stood at the helm of the faithful, uncompromising Orthodox Jewry in the Maramureș region. He was one of the founding pillars of the Torah world in the generation following the Holocaust. After surviving the Holocaust, he emigrated to the United States, where he established the Satmar Chassidic community. He served as president of the Eda HaCharedit in Jerusalem, and as leader of Orthodox Jewry in the United States and throughout the world. His writings were published in dozens of books: VaYoel Moshe, Responsa Divrei Yoel, Divrei Yoel on the Torah and more.

R. Efraim Yosef Dov son of R. Shraga Feivish Ashkenazi (R. Yosel; 1911-2002), attendant and confidant of the Rebbe of Satmar for close to sixty years, and his close assistant in all communal matters. R. Yosef was a particularly astute Torah scholar, great in Chassidut and fear of God. During the Holocaust, R. Yosef accompanied the Rebbe on his journey in the famous Kastner rescue train, and later immigrated with him to Eretz Israel, and immigrated to the United States shortly thereafter. He was the owner of the Yerushalayim publishing house in Williamsburg. He edited his Rebbe's books in Halachah and Aggadah and published them (see his introduction to Responsa Divrei Yoel). Author of She'erit Yosef on the Torah.

[1] leaf, official stationery. 21.5x14 cm. Good condition. Folds. Stains and light wear.