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Lot 19

Responsa Avnei Tzedek by the Yitav Lev– First Edition – Lviv, 1885-1886 – Both Parts

Responsa Avnei Tzedek, on the four parts of the Shulchan Aruch, by Rebbe Yekutiel Yehudah Teitelbaum, Av Beit Din of Sighet (author of Yitav Lev). Lviv: Uri Ze'ev Wolf Salat, 1885-1886.  Two parts in two volumes. First edition.

The book was edited and published by the author's grandson and close disciple, Rebbe Moshe David Teitelbaum, Av Beit Din of Magyarlápos. In his introduction, he recounts that his grandfather entrusted him with all his manuscripts so that he would edit and print them – "and fortunate am I that he appointed me over his household and lovingly revealed to me his treasury, and entrusted me with his book Yitav Panim to arrange and print, the second part of which was published in full while he was still alive, a few days before his passing away; and when I brought it to his bed, he rejoiced, kissed it on every side, and shed tears of happiness that he merited to see it. And afterwards he called me close to his perfect bed, and his face shone like the sun, and he said to me: My dear son, I give you my blessing and great thanks for having fulfilled my long-held desire. May God repay your labor and may your wages be full. Hurry to find a time to bring Responsa Avnei Tzedek first to the press, and the book Rav Tuv last. I know you to be intelligent and understanding and that you will perform my desire with no deviation, fixing it anywhere it needs to be fixed…".

Handwritten glosses on the margins of some leaves (apparently from several different writers).

Stamps on the title page of part I: "David Yehudah Freund, Av Beit Din of Szászrégen" – R. David Yehudah Freund (died 1985), son-in-law of Rebbe Yechezkel Paneth of Deyzh and disciple of R. Shaul Brach, Av Beit Din of Košice, and the Vayaged Yaakov of Pápa. He originally served as dean of the yeshiva in Deyzh, and was later appointed as an "assistant rabbi" alongside his father in Szászrégen. He subsequently served as Rabbi of the Orthodox community in Bucharest. He survived the Holocaust, married the sister of Rebbe Avraham Yitzchak Kahn of Toldot Aharon, his second marriage. He immigrated to Eretz Israel and served as rabbi in Netanya and afterwards in Jerusalem. He authored Alufei Yehudah.

Additional stamps of R. "David Gedaliah, shochet".

Two parts in two volumes. Part I (Orach Chaim and Yoreh Deah): [4], 48; 8, 57-80 leaves. Part II (Yoreh Deah, Even HaEzer and Choshen Mishpat, with some novellae on Kiddushin): [3], 81-154 leaves. 36.5 cm. Good condition. Light stains and wear. Tears, including open tears and long tears across the leaf, affecting text, some restored with paper. Stamps, new matching bindings.

Rebbe Yekutiel Yehuda Teitelbaum Rabbi of Sighet – the Yitav Lev (1808-1883), son of R. Elazar Nisan Teitelbaum Rabbi of Sighet, and son-in-law of R. Moshe David Ashkenazi – rabbi of Tolcsva who immigrated to Safed. He was a close disciple of his grandfather the Yismach Moshe – Rebbe Moshe Teitelbaum Rabbi of Ujhel, who drew him especially close and disclosed to him Heavenly revelations which he had perceived with Divine inspiration. He was also a disciple of Rebbe Asher Yeshaya of Ropshitz. In 1833 (at the age of 25), he was appointed rabbi of Stropkov, and after the passing of his illustrious grandfather, he was selected to succeed him as rabbi of Ujhel. He was then appointed rabbi of Gorlitz (Gorlice), and later of Drohobych. In 1858, he went to serve as rabbi of Sighet (Sighetu Marmației), capital of the Maramureș region, and founded there a large yeshiva, which numbered at its zenith two hundred students. Amongst his renowned disciples from that time was R. Shlomo Leib Tabak author of Erech Shai and head of the Sighet Beit Din. His grandson attested that "he was a merciful father to his disciples, carrying them on his shoulders as a nurse carries a suckling, and overseeing each one individually to ensure they studied Torah in holiness and purity". In Sighet, he earned worldwide renown, and thousands of Chassidim flocked to seek his counsel and wisdom, blessings and salvation. He was renowned for his exceptional holiness, and his grandson R. Yoel of Satmar attested that his holiness was never tainted. Numerous stories circulated of the wonders he performed, including incredible insights which were revealed to him with Divine Inspiration and through his exceptional wisdom. He was reputed in his generation as one who could read the minds of those standing before him, and amazing stories were told of this ability. His epitaph reads: "The renowned rabbi, he edified upstanding and reputable disciples, left behind valuable compositions". He is renowned for his books: Yitav Lev on the Torah, Yitav Panim on the Festivals, Rav Tuv on the Torah and Responsa Avnei Tzedek.