Collection of books printed in Berditchev (Berdychiv) in the early 19th century, some with approbations by R. Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev:
• Brit Menuchah, attributed to R. Avraham of Grenada. Berditchev, [1807].
• Sefer HaMitzvot by the Rambam. Berditchev, [1809].
• Derech Mitzvotecha, by R. Yehuda Rosanes. Berditchev, [1809].
• Totzaot Chaim, by R. Eliyahu de Vidas. [Berditchev, 1817].
• Baal HaNefesh, by the Raavad. [Berditchev, 1817]. Lacking final two leaves.
• Nachalat Shivah, by R. Shmuel HaLevi. [Berditchev, 1818].
• Sefer HaGan VeDerech Moshe, by R. Yitzchak son of Eliezer and R. Moshe Kahana. [Berditchev, 1818].
• Masorah Berurah, by R. Yosef son of Mordechai of Berditchev. Berditchev, [1807-1818].
• Kitzur Menorah HaMaor. [Berditchev, 1818]. Lacking one leaf in middle.
9 books. Size and condition vary. Inscriptions, signatures and stamps. New bindings.