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Lot 347

Semichat Chachamim – Two Parts – Frankfurt am Main, 1704-1706 – First Edition

Semichat Chachamim, Part I: Birkat Hashem, Part II: Kedushah UVerachah, by R. Naphtali HaKohen Katz, rabbi of Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurt am Main: Johann Wust, [1704-1706]. First edition. Each part with elaborate engraved title page. The first title page is followed by a star-shaped poem.
The first part constitutes a lengthy kabbalistic introduction, while the second part contains novellae on tractate Berachot. Printed in the lifetime of the author, the celebrated Ashkenazi kabbalist R. Naftali Katz (1650-1719), rabbi of Ostroh, Posen and Frankfurt am Main.
Ownership inscription on title page, handwritten by R. David Ben Shimon, author of Shaarei Tzedek (d. Kislev 1879), a Moroccan Torah scholar who immigrated to Jerusalem; founder of the Maghrebi community in the city and head of its Beit Din.

79; [1], 140 leaves. 31.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. Open tears, including tear to first title page and second leaf (with star-shaped poem), affecting border and text on verso of title page and on second leaf, repaired with paper (with handwritten replacement of border and photocopy replacement of missing text). Worming, affecting text, repaired in part with paper. New leather binding.