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Olfert Dapper – Study of Syria and Palestine – Amsterdam, 1677 – Engravings and Maps

Naukeurige Beschryving van Gantsch Syrie, en Palestyn of Heilige Lant, by Olfert Dapper. Amsterdam: Jacob Van Meurs, 1677 (in frontispiece: 1678). Dutch. Two parts in one volume.
Comprehensive study on Syria and Palestine, comprised of scholarly essays, a frontispiece, in–text engravings, and 39 engraved plates (most of which double–sheet or folded), including: maps and engravings of Syria; maps of Palestine, delineating the territories of the Twelve Tribes; maps and illustrations of Jerusalem (among which is a folded engraved panorama of Jerusalem), Mount of Olives, and Bethlehem; Jaffa, seen from the sea, and more.
Olfert Dapper (1639–1689), Dutch writer, historian and geographer. Dapper never once in his lifetime travelled outside the Netherlands, and his many works of geography and ethnography are based on ancient sources, and various contemporary studies, reports, and writings, of scholars and geographical explorers.

[4] ff., 262 pp., [3] ff.; [1] ff., 581, [7] pp. (misfoliation) + [39] engraved plates + [1] frontispiece. Approx. 32.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Minor tears and open tears, slightly affecting text and engravings. Minor worming. Fine leather binding, with gilt spine. Wear, blemishes and worming to binding. Open tears to spine.

Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, NHB.386.