Portrait of R. Nachum Trebitsch. Lithograph by an unknown artist. [Prague? ca. mid–19th century].
The portrait is followed by a caption in German: "Rabbi Nehemias Trebitsch, / k.k. mähr. schles. Oberlandesrabbiner, / geb. am 14 Aug. 1779. gest. am 4 Juli 1842 in Prag"; and in Hebrew: "Portrait of R. Nachum Trebitsch of Prague, rabbi of Nikolsburg and the provinces of Moravia and Silesia, author of Shalom Yerushalayim on the Jerusalem Talmud and Kovetz al Yad on the Rambam".
R. Nachum Trebitsch (1779–1842), rabbi of Nikolsburg (Mikulov) and Moravia. Disciple of R. Yaakov Ginzburg, the Zera Yaakov. Rabbi of Prostitz (Prostějov, present day: Czech Republic); following the passing of R. Mordechai Banet, he was appointed rabbi of Nikolsburg and the entire Moravia, a position he held until his passing. He authored Shalom Yerushalayim on the Jerusalem Talmud, and Kovetz al Yad on the Rambam. Responsa of R. Nachum Trebitsch was published by Machon Yerushalayim (1989).
38X28.5 cm. Fair–poor condition. Many open tears. Creases, tears and folding marks, repaired. Stains. Margins lacking (printing details may have appeared there). Mounted on acid–free paper.
Provenance: The Gross Family Collection, Tel Aviv, 112.011.011.