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Lot 255

Collection of Halachic Books Printed in Calcutta

1. Chayei Avraham, halachot and customs, by Rabbi Avraham Chalfon. Calcutta, 1844. (Blue paper).
2. Yemin Moshe, laws of Shechita, by Rabbi Yosef Karo, with Rama's glosses. Calcutta, 1844. The section "Zikaron Livnei Yisrael" was bound separately, see below. Without the section "Shochatei HaYeladim". Owners' signatures.
3. Zikaron Livnei Yisrael, laws of Shechita, by Rabbi Avraham Mizrachi. Calcutta, 1844.
4. Sha'arei Kedusha, laws of Shechita and Treifot, by Rabbi Yichye Tzalach. Calcutta, [1851].
5. Zevach Todah, explanation of laws of Shechita and Treifot by Rabbi Yosef Karo, with Rama's glosses. Calcutta, [1851-1852]. (On back of title page: inscriptions in Yemenite handwriting).
6. Yimalet Nafsho, words of ethics and manner of fulfilling mitzvoth, by Rabbi Avraham Shalom Chamawe. Calcutta, [1884].
Varied size and condition.
From Dr. Israel Mehlman's private collection.