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Lot 70

Proclamation Against Voting for Zionist Parties in the Czechoslovak Elections – Orsheva, 5th Adar II 1924 – Signed by R. Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky, Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum, R. Yukel Teitelbaum of Volova and R. Chaim Meir of Vizhnitz

Printed proclamation, rabbinic prohibition to vote for the Zionists. Orsheva (Irshava), "Tuesday Parashat Vayikra" [5th Adar II] 1924.
Letter from R. Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky Rabbi of Khust, forbidding voting for the Zionist parties in the elections to the Czechoslovak parliament in March 1924.
Followed by an approbation signed by Rebbe Yisrael Yaakov Yukel Teitelbaum Rabbi of Volova, Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum and R. Chim Meir Hager of Vizhnitz.
Since such a ban was illegal, the rabbis were forced to supposedly retract it in a proclamation issued the following day (see following item, no. 71).

[1] leaf. 28.5 cm. Good condition. Folding marks. Stains and minor wear. Tear repaired with tape on verso. Stamp of the Jewish-Hungarian periodical Múlt és Jövő (Past and Future).