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Lot 70

Letter from the Ateret Yeshuah, Rebbe of Dzikov – Certificate of Ordination for a Shochet

Letter handwritten and signed by Rebbe Yehoshua Horowitz of Dzikov, the Ateret Yeshuah. Dzikov (present day: Tarnobrzeg), [ca. 1900s].
Certificate of ordination for the shochet R. Yisrael Schub; Rebbe Yehoshua Horowitz attests to the shochet's knowledge of the laws of shechitah and bedikah, and approves of his shechitah. Signed: "Sunday, Parashat Tazria, ---, Dzikov. Yehoshua Horowitz".
At the beginning and end of the letter, stamps (faded and damaged) of the rebbe.
Rebbe Yehoshua Horowitz of Dzikov (1848 – Tevet 1912), leading rebbe in western Galicia (south-eastern Poland). Son of Rebbe Meir of Dzikov, the Imrei Noam, grandson of R. Naftali of Ropshitz. He was known as a brilliant genius from a young age, and corresponded with Torah leaders of his times. His father attested that at the age of 20, he had already finished studying the entire Zohar twice. In his father's lifetime, he was appointed rabbi of Dzikov, and from 1877, he began serving as rebbe of Dzikov. During his tenure, the Dzikov court numbered thousands of Chassidim who were elevated in Torah and fear of G-d through his presence. He was a leader of Galician Orthodox Jewry, and one of the founders of Machzikei HaDat in 1879. He published books on halachah and Talmudic topics: Emek Halachah (Lviv, 1870) and more, but was primarily known for the Ateret Yeshuah series on the Torah and festivals, and responsa.

[1] leaf. 23 cm. Fair-poor condition Open tears to center of letter, affecting text, repaired with paper. Stains.