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Lot 64

Set of Mikraot Gedolot Chumashim – Warsaw, 1860 – Copies of Rebbe Yehuda of Dzikov

Five Books of the Torah, Mikraot Gedolot, with 32 commentaries. Warsaw: Yoel Lebensohn, 1860. Set in five volumes. Approbations by rabbis and rebbes, including Rebbe Yeshaya Muszkat of Praga, Rebbe Yaakov David of Warka, the Imrei Binah of Kalisch, the Netziv of Volozhin, and others.
Copies of Rebbe Yehuda Hager-Horowitz of Dzikov. Handwritten inscriptions on the endpapers of some volumes, including his signatures (on the endpaper of Shemot part): "Y. Horowitz". All volumes contain several glosses in his handwriting.
Rebbe Yehuda Horowitz-Hager of Dzikov (1905-1989, Encyclopedia L'Chassidut II, pp. 3-4), son of Rebbe Alter Yechezkel Eliyahu of Dzikov, from the Ropshitz dynasty. He was raised in Grosswardein by his maternal grandfather Rebbe Yisrael Hager of Vizhnitz, the Ahavat Yisrael, and married the daughter of his uncle Rebbe Chaim Meir Hager of Vizhnitz (adopting his surname – Hager). In 1936-1944, he served as dayan and posek in Klausenberg. After the Holocaust, he immigrated to Eretz Israel and settled in Jerusalem, where he served as lecturer in the Beit Yosef Tzvi (Dushinsky) yeshiva, and edified many disciples. He was closely associated with the Chazon Ish. He refused to serve as rebbe, yet many Chassidim and admirers gathered around him. Near the end of his life, he lived in London, where he led a court. He was known for his tremendous diligence, holiness, and tremendous devotion in his worship of G-d. He exerted himself his entire life in Torah study. Most of his novellae on Halachah and Aggadah were recorded with great concision in the margins of the books in his large library. These novellae were published in the Gilyonei Mahari series.

5 volumes. Approx. 31 cm. Bereshit: [6], 134, [20] leaves. Shemot: 136, 2, 3-8; 8, [1] leaves. Vayikra: [2], 87; 20 leaves. Bamidbar: 96; 8, 13-19 leaves (lacking 4 leaves: leaves 9-12 of second sequence). Devarim: [2], 4-98; 24 leaves (leaves 5-8 of first sequence bound after leaf 12). Overall fair condition. Stains, extensive wear and tears, including several open tears. Several detached leaves. Original leather bindings, worn and damaged (minor worming to one binding). Placed in elegant card slipcase.