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Lot 58

Sefer Chassidim – Zhitomir, 1856 – Important Ownership – Many Handwritten Glosses

Sefer Chassidim, by R. Yehuda HaChassid, with Perush Meforash (by R. David Aptrod) and the Brit Olam commentary by the Chida. Zhitomir: R. Chanina Lipa and R. Yehoshua Heshel Shapira, grandsons of the rabbi of Slavita, 1856.
Copy owned by rabbis and rebbes, including rebbes of the Ruzhin dynasty.
On p. 71, ownership inscription of R. Alexander Zusia Orenstein. R. Alexander Zusia Orenstein was the attendant of Rebbe Shlomo of Sadigura. In the present inscription, he attests to having received the book as a gift from Rebbe Nachum Dov Ber Friedman of Sadigura. The book was later passed on to Rebbe Shlomo Friedman of Chortkov-Tel Aviv, as attested by his stamp on the final page. Signature of R. Yehoshua Gnessin on the title page. Many handwritten glosses (possibly handwritten by R. Yehoshua Gnessin).
Rebbe Nachum Dov Ber Friedman of Sadigura (1843/1844 – 1883), grandson of Rebbe Yisrael of Ruzhin. Son of R. Shalom Yosef and son-in-law of his uncle Rebbe Avraham Yaakov of Sadigura. R. Nachum Dov Ber was known as an important collector of manuscripts and early books (see: David Assaf, Derech HaMalchut, p. 454, note 34).
Rebbe Shlomo Friedman of Chortkov (1894-1959), son of Rebbe Nachum Mordechai Friedman of Chortkov and son-in-law of his uncle R. Yisrael of Sadigura. His paternal grandfather was Rebbe Yisrael Friedman of Chortkov, and his maternal grandfather was Rebbe Shlomo Friedman of Sadigura. His father Rebbe Nachum Mordechai fled with his family from Vienna shortly before the Holocaust, immigrated to Eretz Israel and established his court in Tel Aviv. R. Shlomo succeeded him after his passing as the fourth and last rebbe of the Chortkov dynasty. Author of Divrei Shlomo.
R. Yehoshua Gnessin (1840-1921), a Chabad Chassid. Dean of the Starodub yeshiva, and rabbi in Krichev and Pochep. Yaakov Malkov and Yosef Chaim Brenner were amongst his students in Starodub (R. Gnessin remained in contact with the latter after he left the yeshiva). R. Yehoshua Gnessin's sons were the author Uri Nisan Gnessin, and the actor Menachem Gnessin.

288 pages. 22.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including many dampstains, dark stains and mold stains. Wear. Glosses on several leaves faded due to dampness. Tears and worming to final three leaves. Stamps. New binding.