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Lot 32

Arizal Siddur Kol Yaakov – First Edition – Slavita, 1804 – Siddur Chassidic Leaders Prayed from Regularly

Arizal Siddur Kol Yaakov, Part I – weekday prayers, and Part II – prayers for Shabbat and festivals, with homilies and the kavanot of the Arizal, by the kabbalist R. Yaakov Koppel Lifshitz of Mezeritch. Slavita: R. Dov Ber Segal and R. Dov Ber son of R. Pesach, [1804]. First edition.
The Kol Yaakov siddur with commentaries, kavanot, laws and customs based on kabbalah, was particularly cherished by foremost Chassidic leaders. Many of them prayed regularly from this siddur, retaining it continually on their table, including the Maggid of Kozhnitz, the maggid R. Mordechai of Chernobyl, the Arvei Nachal and R. Avraham of Tshechnov. Some of them even wrote glosses in the margins of the siddur. R. Asher Tzvi of Ostroh writes in his approbation to the siddur: "I have heard that the holy Baal Shem Tov saw this siddur and deemed it fit".
The kabbalist R. Yaakov Koppel of Mezeritch also composed the kabbalistic work Shaarei Gan Eden (Korets, 1803). The title page of the latter states that a reliable source related how this siddur was brought before the Baal Shem Tov, and he read a few verses from it, hugged and kissed it, expressing great reverence for it. The scholars of Mezeritch likewise write in their approbations of the veneration the Baal Shem Tov displayed for this siddur. R. Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev praises the author in his approbation: "He is already renowned amongst the Jewish people as a reliable kabbalist, who's words all emanate from Divine Inspiration".
R. Yaakov Koppel's books are adapted and edited compilations of the writings of the Remak, R. Chaim Vital and R. Yisrael Sarug, with the addition of his own novellae.
Signature on the title page: "Avraham Dov Ber son of R. M.A. Anshel of Novardok", with his stamps on the title page and other leaves; trimmed stamps: "…son of R. Meir Karelitz?".

[6], 156; 134, 146-153, 155-188 leaves. Three handwritten leaves bound alternately between leaves 186-188, with the text of those leaves (presumably due to extensive worming to original leaves). 19.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Many stains, including dark dampstains. Extensive worming, affecting text, repaired in part with paper (significant worming to final three leaves). Open tears affecting text, repaired with paper. Minor tear to title page, repaired with paper on verso. Margins of several leaves trimmed. Several leaves presumably provided from a different copy. New leather binding.