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Five Books in Russian – Talmud and Jewish Philosophy – Saint Petersburg, 1870-1926

Five books printed in Saint Petersburg, 1870-1926. Russian.
1. Восемнадцативъковые предразсудки, translation of the work "Dix-Huit Siecles de Préjugés Chrétiens" ("Eighteen Centuries of Christian Prejudice") by Léon Hollaenderski. Saint Petersburg, 1870.
2. Талмудъ. Мишна и Тосефта [Talmud. Mishnah and Tosefta]. Translation: Nehemiah Pereferkovich (1871-1940). Volume III (Nashim). Saint Petersburg, 1900.
3. Талмудъ: Авотъ рабби Наѳана въ обѣихъ версіяхъ, съ прибавленіемъ Трактата Авотъ [Talmud: Avot de-Rabbi Nathan in Both Versions, with the Addition of Tractate Avot]. Translation: Nehemiah Pereferkovich (1871-1940). Saint Petersburg, 1903.
4. Ключ Веры [The Key to Faith], by Mikhail Osipovich Gershenzon (1869-1925). Saint Petersburg: эпоха, 1922.
5. Еврейская мысль, Научно-литературный сборник [Jewish Thought, Literary-Scientific Periodical], issued by the Society for the Promotion of Culture among the Jews of Russia (общество распространения просвещения между евреями). Leningrad (Saint Petersburg): сеятель, 1926.
New bindings. Size and condition vary.
The books were not thoroughly examined, and are being sold as is.