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Collection of Books and Periodicals – Saint Petersburg, Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries

Collection of books and periodicals printed in Saint Petersburg prior to the October Revolution. Late 19th century to 1910s. Yiddish.
1. Uriel Acosta, a tragedye in finf akten [Uriel Acosta, a tragedy in five acts], by Karl Gutzkow (Yiddish translation by Judah Lerner). Saint Petersburg: И.С. Леви, 1888.
2-5. Bleter fun a Togbukh, essays by Ish Yehudi (Yehuda Leib Rabinovich). Saint Petersburg: Rabinovich & Sokolovski, 1901. Four issues: 7, 34, 35 and 37.
6. Lieder [Poems], by Isaac Jacob Propus. Saint Petersburg: Der fraynd press, 1905.
7. Di natsyonale frage un di sotsyal-demokraṭye [The national question and social democracy], by Engelbert Pernerstorfer. Saint Petersburg: I. Luria press, 1906.
8-10. Die Yiddishe Velt [The Jewish World], monthly edited by B. Muzikant. Issues 1-3. Saint Petersburg: A. Meirovich, 1912.
Size and condition vary. New bindings. The books were not thoroughly examined, and are being sold as is.
Enclosed: 1905: Еврейское Рабочее Движение [1905: The Jewish Labor Movement], by Abram Davidovich Kirzhnits. Moscow: Государственное издательство, 1928. Russian.