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Collection of Letters addressed to the Zionist Attorney Dr. Moses Doukhan – Hand Signed by Chaim Weizmann, Ze'ev Jabotinsky, Herbert Samuel, Menachem Ussishkin, Meir Dizengoff, and Others – Jerusalem and London, 1920s

Nine letters addressed to the attorney Dr. Moses Doukhan, Deputy Director of the Lands Administration of the British Mandatory government. Jerusalem, London, and elsewhere, 1920s. Hebrew and English.

1. Letter of greeting personally signed by Chaim Weizmann (on behalf of the Executive of the Zionist Organisation) on the occasion of Mr. Doukhan being awarded the Order of the British Empire (OBE). London, 1926. English.
2. Letter personally signed by High Commissioner of Palestine, Herbert Samuel, sent to apologize for not acknowledging a gift sent to him by Moses Doukhan – a book on the subject of "Palestine Land Laws." London, 1926. English.
3. Lengthy letter of recommendation personally signed by Ze'ev Jabotinsky (addressed to Norman Bentwich), along with Doukhan's curriculum vitae and a recommendation to appoint the latter as a judge in Palestine. Jerusalem, 1920. English.
4. Interesting letter from Menachem Ussishkin (handwritten, on the hotel stationery of The Commodore, New York): "I am exceptionally happy that you have accepted the position on the lands committee. I'm glad that, on the most highly regarded committee from our standpoint, we will be represented by one of our own… someone who will always be vigilant… We have achieved an absolute victory here, and the local 'leaders' will be forced to vacate their places in favor of their betters… and shalom to you and your wife, and also to the little gypsy." 8th Iyar [1920?], Hebrew.
5-9. Five additional letters: A letter of greeting, written by Meir Dizengoff; a letter from Edwin Samuel, son of Herbert Samuel; two letters from Norman Bentwich; and an additional letter from Menachem Ussishkin.

Dr. Moses Doukhan (1884-1958) was a Jewish Zionist attorney. In 1919 he attended the Paris Peace Conference at Versailles as part of the Committee of Jewish Delegations (Comité Délégations Juives) and submitted a memorandum regarding the situation of the Jews of Russia to British Prime Minister David Lloyd George. Immigrated to Palestine in 1920 and was appointed deputy director of the Lands Administration of the British Mandatory government. Authored a number of books widely regarded as foundational, authoritative texts on the subject of Jewish law as pertaining to lands administration.

Nine signed letters, some handwritten and some typewritten. Size and condition vary (most [1] p. in length). Overall good condition. Stains. Fold lines. Punch holes, and few minor tears.

Enclosed: "Biography of Moses Doukhan, written by his daughter Leah Doukhan-Landau" (five printed pages). Hebrew.